Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1266 You Should Be Touched

Chapter 1266 You Should Be Touched

Lu Sihui looked at him annoyed and ashamed, but was attracted by his dark eyes. Those sparkling eyes seemed to have magical powers, making her unable to look away.

"I'll help you, wash quickly."

"Go away, I don't need it, I just want to take advantage."

Lu Sihui slapped Zhou Zixu away with a slap. Zhou Zixu, who couldn't stay idle, knew he was looking for work.

He picked up his wife and his changed clothes, went to the bathroom to soak them in a basin, and then washed them with cold water.

Rubbing a pair of big hands was very powerful, Zhou Zixu was very busy with his hands, but his ears were listening to the sound of water splashing in the house when his daughter-in-law was taking a bath.

When the clothes were rubbed out for the first time and needed to be cast, Zhou Zixu, who felt like someone was tickling him, stood up to help his wife rub her back:

"Daughter-in-law, let me help? You can't rub the back."

"No, I have a loofah, and I can rub it myself, so you don't want to take advantage of it."

Lu Sihui looked at him angrily, which made her very embarrassed. Although he looked very serious, Lu Sihui knew that he was pretending to be a gentleman.

Zhou Zixu wasn't angry, let alone discouraged. Since he won't let me, let's go to do the laundry, but I'm still not reconciled. The bathroom door is left open on purpose, and I have to sneak a peek from time to time. It's not bad to feast my eyes.

He said nice things on his lips.

"All right, all right, I'm not messing around. Isn't this doing my wife's laundry? I'm a 24-filial husband. You should be moved."

As soon as Lu Sihui turned her head, she saw Zhou Zixu's head before she had time to lower her head, so she knew that this person was just saying one thing and doing another.

"No, where are you looking? The door is closed."

Zhou Zixu's daughter-in-law's plot was seen through, so he had to close the door and continue his cleaning, regretting in his heart, hey, it seems that the eyesight is gone, so prick up your ears and feast your ears.

Seeing that he had closed the door, Lu Sihui hurriedly stood up and wiped it off, and put on her pajamas before she was relieved.

Looking at the floor of the bedroom as if it was a vast ocean, it looked like a mess.

Lu Sihui dragged the water basin to pour it out by herself, and Zhou Zixu took it over. Looking at the water stains all over the room, she finally had a reason to criticize.

"Look at the good things you have done? If I want to help you, there will be water all over the floor, and then you will have to give me more work."

Lu Sihui glared at Zhou Zixu.

"What a big deal, don't you need it? I'll clean it up myself in a while."

"Hey daughter-in-law, with me here, you don't need to do it yourself, you should go to bed and rest, I will finish this work in a while."

"It's almost the same, do it well, I'll wait for you."

Lu Sihui was quite obedient, she went straight to bed and didn't forget to give a sweet date before leaving.

Here Zhou Zixu made his daughter-in-law happy, saying that I will wait for you, and he was a little lost, and he was thinking about it while washing clothes.

Soon all the work was completed step by step, and he happily disarmed and shouted:
"Daughter-in-law, I'm here."

Jumping directly onto the bed, I wanted to cuddle my daughter-in-law to sleep, but before I was overjoyed, I heard a thunderbolt from the blue sky.

"Wait, I seem to be pregnant?"

Lu Sihui suddenly said something.

"Can't you?"

Zhou Zixu froze, looking at his wife in disbelief.

"Why not?"

Lu Sihui looked at him with a smirk. She hasn't had her period for more than a month. What is it if she is not pregnant?
She just didn't have time to check it out.

"What should I do?"

Zhou Zixu didn't dare to speak any more, he knew what was forbidden in the first three months of pregnancy.

Lu Sihui smiled mischievously, watching Zhou Zixu's face flushed red, and looking at herself with tangled eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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