Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1280 What She Wants Is The Love Between The Two

Chapter 1280 What She Wants Is The Love Between Them
"Number one, come in."

Zhou Zixu turned around and gave orders to No. [-] with a cold face.


The leader was angry, No. [-] had no choice but to salute and obey them, and followed them into the yard.

In the quiet small courtyard, there is the smell of stew, which is very homely.

No. [-] tightened her eyebrows, and followed Lu Sihui and the others slowly, feeling that something would happen today.

"Zixu, Sihui, number one, are you here?"

Zhao Jinchen had been at the door of the house just now, but he didn't dare to go out, fearing that if he went out, he would refuse to enter the house on the [-]st.

He begged Zhou Zixu for today's treat.

He has been to the work unit, the first time he went there passively, and saw that the former high-spirited comrades became so lonely. After returning, he was so entangled that he couldn't sleep all night.

He was responsible for her injury, thinking of what Zixu said, No. [-]'s family has only his elder brother and sister-in-law, his parents are gone, he is old and disabled, and he can't find a good partner when he goes back.

It's like ruining his whole life in his hands. He has a feeling that if I don't kill Boren, Boren will die because of me.

So, after that, he went to Falcon to look for No. [-] three times, but she refused to see him and never gave him a chance.

This time, I heard from Zixu that she is going back soon, and the decision to go home has basically been decided and will not be changed.

Suddenly, he felt that if he didn't talk about it, he would have no chance. He always wanted to marry a wife, so he should marry her!
When No. [-] saw him, he stopped, turned around and wanted to leave.

"No. [-], everyone is here, sit down and have a meal!"

Seeing that she was leaving, Zhao Jinchen hurriedly chased after her, and extended an invitation to her in a low voice.

"No, I... still have things to do!"

No. [-] looked at Zhao Jinchen complicatedly, she also had her pride.

She loved this man to the bone, but when he felt guilty and wanted to take responsibility for hurting herself, she felt it was an insult to herself.

What she wants is to be happy with each other, not to marry her helplessly out of responsibility.

That would make her feel very humble, low to the dust.

"Comrade, when you get home, let's enjoy a meal! I went to the mountains to hunt roe deer."

Zhao Jinchen spoke very hastily, it was like a completely different person from the silent him before.

"No. [-], everyone is here, come in and see my aunt and uncle."

Zhou Zixu raised his voice and called number one, seeing that the old comrade was anxious like ants on a hot pot, he had to help him.

Lu Sihui looked at Zhao Jinchen and No. 1 silently, pursed her lips and said nothing.

She is angry herself, maybe help them persuade No. [-]?

"Girl, do your aunt a face and come in for a meal."

Zhou Guifang came out of the house, and she hid at the door for a while, but the girl refused to come in, so she had to come out to help her son.

When No. [-] saw her, she couldn't say the words of refusal, so she had to follow her into the house.

The house is filled with heat, and entering the door is like entering a fairyland, and it is not very clear to see people.

"Enter the east room, the kitchen is too hot, it burns your eyes."

Zhou Guifang enthusiastically held No. [-]'s hand tightly, as if she was afraid that she would run away.

"Uncle, auntie."

After Lu Sihui entered the room, she saw Zhao Yaozu and called for someone.


Zhao Yaozu smiled and stood up. He had other things to call them here today. During this time, the family had saved 100 yuan, and he paid it back first, and slowly saved the rest.

"Uncle, smoke."

Zhou Zixu smiled and took out a cigarette, and lit it for Zhao Yaozu himself.

"Haha, you smoke it, I still like tobacco leaves, this thing is boring."

Zhao Yaozu waved his hand, pulled the dustpan over the tobacco, took a piece of paper that had been cut long ago, wrapped it with tobacco leaves, and rolled it skillfully.

His eyes were sizing up the silent No. [-], with some worry in his eyes, is today's matter enough to be successful?

(End of this chapter)

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