Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1281 Are you a good buddy?

Chapter 1281 Are you a good buddy?
"Girl, sit down quickly, my aunt's house is a bit small, don't hold it against me!"

Zhou Guifang took No. [-] and sat on the stool. The table was already set, with cups and teapots on the table. The guests didn't come, and the dishes hadn't been served yet.

Thinking that people in the city like to drink tea, Zhao Yaozu ordered Zhao Jinchen to buy this jasmine tea to entertain distinguished guests.

"Auntie, not too young."

No. [-] really don't know what to say?Don't look at it as a ward in the hospital, but she still doesn't know how to communicate.

I am used to staying in the work unit, but my parents are unfamiliar with me. How to communicate with people is even a duck.

Jin Chen's mother didn't mind, she continued to look at No. [-] with concern, and asked:

"I heard from Jin Chen that your arm has not recovered. I am very worried, and Jin Chen is also very worried. He said that he went to the unit several times, but he didn't see you. He was really anxious."

"Ah, auntie, it's all right, it's ready." No. [-] replied politely, and then fell silent, not intending to continue the conversation.

Sitting there with head down, not looking at anyone, as if in a meeting in the auditorium of the unit, with hands on knees.

"This child is poor."

She didn't speak, but Zhou Guifang took her hand and looked at her distressedly.

No. [-] lowered his head and didn't speak, his hands were a little cold. When mother was alive, she cared about herself in the same way.

Feeling sour, I went home by myself, is there a place for her at home?

Zhao Jinchen kept looking at her, and could feel the sadness emanating from her body, sitting alone in the bustle, was the most pitiful.

The Adam's apple rolled, and I wanted to talk to her, but I didn't know what to say?
The big hands are clenched tightly, and the palms are sweating. This is really harder than the most complicated skill training.

Zhou Zixu sat on the kang from the moment he entered the door, chatted vigorously with Zhao Yaozu, and didn't even look at Zhao Jinchen's begging eyes for help.

【I brought you all the people. If you have no ability to keep her, you can only watch her leave. 】

Zhao Jinchen glared at him. In his eyes, Zhou Zixu's behavior was nothing but helplessness. If he could keep him, would he still beg him?
"Uh, let me see if the roe deer meat is cooked?"

In the end, he spoke, but he hid in the kitchen in order to escape the awkward atmosphere.

"Uncle, I'll go take a look."

Seeing that he backed off again, Zhou Zixu put the melon seeds in his hand on the kang table, talked to Zhao Yaozu, opened the door and went out.

Lu Sihui kept watching coldly, and Zhao Jinchen ran away again, which made her even less fond of him.

Big man, is it that difficult to say a word to keep people?
In the outside room, the heat was lingering, Zhao Jinchen stared at the cauldron in a daze, Zhou Zixu saw him so stupid when he came out.

"Jin Chen, this is the last time I can help you. If you still can't keep him, you can only say that you have nothing to do with her."

Zhou Zixu was rarely serious, and Zhao Jinchen's character was not so sloppy before, why is he not a man at all now?

"I know."

Zhao Jinchen frowned, Zhou Zixu's words made him even more upset, why is it so troublesome?

There was no more soup in the pot, and he was still standing stupidly holding the spatula, Zhou Zixu gave him angrily: "Stupid, it's going to be mushy."


Zhao Jinchen hurriedly poured some water into the pot to avoid Zhou Zixu's unnecessary visit.

Seeing him finish pouring the water, Zhou Zixu stared at him blankly, and punched him again in anger.

"Sheng Dish!"

"Zixu, are you a good buddy?"

Zhao Jinchen was not busy serving dishes, but instead stared at Zhou Zixu and asked, which made Zhou Zixu feel alarm bells ringing in his heart. It must be a bad thing for him to ask this question
(End of this chapter)

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