Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1282 Participated in the Hongmen Banquet

Chapter 1282 Participated in the Hongmen Banquet

Shake your head immediately, don't want him to help you say, a big leader, ran to introduce someone, what do you think?Not a matchmaker?

"Didn't I ask you to say that Sihui and No. [-] have a good relationship, can't I ask her to help me?"

Zhao Jinchen glared at him, isn't it too realistic?Refuse before you finish speaking?
"Sihui? Forget it! Based on your previous performance, do you think Sihui will speak for you? You can handle it yourself, treat her as a position, and do everything possible to occupy her. I believe in you, and it will be possible."

Zhou Zixu patted Zhao Jinchen on the shoulder solemnly, as if mobilizing before standing.


Zhao Jinchen slapped his paw off and cursed angrily.

Zhou Zixu was not angry either, he lit a cigarette with a smile, leaned against the doorway, and watched Zhao Jinchen busy lazily, showing no intention of helping.

He is today's guest, and he didn't plan to do anything else when he came. He had a head on his shoulder, just waiting to eat.

"Girl, don't go back, stay! I will definitely treat you as my own daughter."

Zhou Zixu didn't help, Lu Sihui didn't help, Zhou Guifang was a real mother, so naturally she wanted to help her son.

Pulling No. [-] and speaking kindly, looking at her kindly, persuading her earnestly.

The one who asked for help looked at Lu Sihui. She was on pins and needles now, feeling like she had participated in a Hongmen banquet. She didn't know how to answer?

Lu Sihui looked away, grabbed the melon seeds on the table, and started nibbling intently.

This kind of thing depends on her. If she agrees, she agrees. If she disagrees, she just refuses. What's the problem?
"It's time to eat, the delicious roe deer meat is out of the pan."

Zhou Zixu walked into the house with two plates of roe deer meat, but no one came in yet!The sound entered the room.

The tangy smell of meat immediately filled everyone's breath, and Zhou Guifang hurriedly stood up to pick it up:

"You are a guest, how dare you let you work, this Jin Chen is also true."

"It's hot, auntie, I have rough skin and thick flesh, so I'll do it!"

Zhou Zixu smiled and turned away, joking, while putting the plate on the table.

"I'll get two more stir-fries, you sit down first."

Treating guests can't just have one dish, Zhou Guifang stood up and said something, and the people walked out of the house.

"Auntie, Jin Chen is already fired, so don't worry about it."

Zhou Zixu stopped him. He said this to No. [-]. He is a good man who can go to the hall and enter the kitchen. If he misses it, there is nowhere to find him.

No. [-] lowered his head, lowered his eyelids, twisted his hands vigorously, feeling very uncomfortable, as if he was being grabbed by someone, and wanted to run away immediately.

But the warmth of this home made her reluctant to leave.

"Zixu, Sihui, I will return the 100 yuan to you first, and we will collect the rest as soon as possible."

Zhao Yaozu took out 100 yuan from his pocket and handed it to Zhou Zixu, taking advantage of the fact that he hadn't eaten, he settled the matter first.

"Uncle, we are here for dinner today, don't worry about money, my family has no shortage."

Zhou Zixu laughed, didn't expect to have this hand?Return the money directly, the situation of the Zhao family is right, now is the time when they need the money the most.

"That won't work. One size is one size. If I don't pay back the money, I won't be able to sleep well."

Zhao Yaozu was determined to return it, but Zhou Zixu was determined not to, so the two of them froze there.

"Zixu, you take it first, you don't understand my dad's character, he's a little in debt, he can't even fall asleep."

Zhao Jinchen came in with a plate of eggs fried with scallions. The craftsmanship was not bad. Huang Yingying's eggs and green onions were appetizing just by looking at the color.

"What do you charge? Today is for your son's business, and the money will be discussed later, otherwise, I will leave with my wife."

(End of this chapter)

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