Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1283 This feels awkward

Chapter 1283 This feels awkward
Zhou Zixu became angry, and stared at Zhao Jinchen. If he accepted the money, it seemed that he came to ask for a debt. After a long time of trouble, he failed to make a matchmaker, and turned into Huang Shiren, chasing his family for money?
"Zixu, don't be angry, Dad, put away the money."

Zhao Jinchen had no choice but to persuade his father.

Friends for many years, I know Zhou Zixu's temper, he is really angry.

"Okay then! If you have enough together, pay it back."

Zhao Yaozu could see the ups and downs of his eyebrows, and understood that if the money was paid back today, Zhou Zixu would definitely walk away.

At that time, the unhappiness will be secondary, and the main son's marriage will be reimbursed.

"Dinner, Uncle, we should have a good drink today."

Zhou Zixu turned his anger into joy, smiled and helped Zhao Yaozu to sit on the upper seat, and sat next to him.

"Number one, let's sit together."

Lu Sihui pulled the embarrassed number one and sat down next to Zhou Zixu.

Zhao Jinchen hesitated for a while, and finally chose to sit beside his father.

Zhou Guifang was naturally number one next to her, and when she was eating, she kept serving food for her with a smile on her face.

"Girl, don't you know your name yet? They just call you one by one, which sounds strange."

Zhou Guifang looked at Number One and asked.

No. [-] struggled for a while, and was about to go home, so it didn't matter if he said his real name: "My name is Ye Wenqian."

Lu Sihui raised her head to look at her, the cold No. [-] had an elegant name, completely different from her image.

Hearing this name, one thinks of a woman as gentle as water, but No. [-] is as cold as ice in a glacier.

She joked with a smile: "The name is so literary and artistic, it's the first time I know it."

No. [-] was a little embarrassed, raised his head and met Zhao Jinchen's gaze, then hurriedly lowered his head again, picked up the meat in the bowl with chopsticks, and began to eat sullenly.

In her opinion, the atmosphere was too weird to finish eating early and leave, and she was a little nervous.

It seems that it is the first time for a new daughter-in-law to step into her mother-in-law's house, which feels very awkward.

"Ye Wenqian, good name, your parents must be very educated."

Zhao Yaozu was able to find a topic, from the name, to her parents.

"My dad used to be an old team member, and my grandma was a lady, so when I named it, I was more elegant."

Speaking of parents and grandma on the [-]st, the eyes are full of pride.

It's a pity that it was a girl's name, but her character is like a boy.

Zhao Jinchen looked at her deeply. When he didn't know her name, he didn't feel anything.

Hearing this very feminine name, he looked at No. [-], no longer the kind of feeling among comrades.

Although No. [-] lowered his head, he could feel his gaze, and felt like sitting on pins and needles, wanting to get up and leave.

After that aggressive period, now she suddenly didn't want to be with him.

I don't want him to be with me because of sympathy and responsibility.

"Well, let me just say, a farmer like me can't come up with such a good name."

Zhao Yaozu laughed out loud, because of his hearty smile, the atmosphere in the room seemed to ease up a bit.

During the meal, Zhao Jinchen remained silent, and the same was true for No. [-], who ate with his head down without looking sideways.

Zhou Zixu impatiently kicked Zhao Jinchen a few times, but he seemed to be playing dumb, he kicked, and Zhao Jinchen gave him a piece of roe deer meat.

In the end, Zhou Zixu's bowl was piled up into hills, Lu Sihui looked at them both strangely, and glared at Zhao Jinchen by the way.

Being courteous to Zhou Zixu is useless. With that time, why don't you give food to No. [-]?
Seeing her staring at him, Zhao Jinchen wondered what he did wrong?
(End of this chapter)

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