Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1286 He really strangled Mom to death

Chapter 1286 He really strangled Mom to death
Sun Guodong gritted his teeth and stared at Zhao Cuihua. He hated her very much now, not because she always said that she was a master and asked him to find a wife in the city.

She also abused Sihui and wanted to give her to her natal nephew. How could Lu Sihui hang herself and then hate herself so much that she refused to return to him after becoming beautiful?

Seeing her today, she was so confident and graceful, like a red plum blooming proudly in the harsh winter, he couldn't take his eyes off her.

Thinking that such an excellent beauty was once his daughter-in-law, I felt overwhelmed and uncomfortable, as if I had lost the most precious thing.

When he got home, he started to find faults, disliked the hard food and salty vegetables, and learned to drink with his father.

Sun Baixiang was happy to have someone to drink with him, and he kept filling his son. ,
It's just that he drank happily, while Sun Guodong drank with a gloomy face.

Zhao Cuihua watched the family produce two wine bags, feeling sorry for the wine money, so she scribbled a few words.

The father and son were attracted to attack together, Sun Guodong pretended to be crazy by drinking, pointed at Zhao Cuihua and cursed: "You are the star of the funeral, the Sun family has you, this is not a good day."

Sun Baixiang, who was dizzy from drinking, applauded after hearing what his son said: "That's right, a gossip woman is a prodigal daughter-in-law. When Sihui was here, life at home was so prosperous. Every day, there were people in the house. It's clean, look at it now, just like a pig's nest, I'm unlucky, I didn't marry a good wife, and if I hurt my son, you lost Sihui, a good wife."

His words added fuel to the flames, and Sun Guodong hated him even more. 1 mother.

Zhao Cuihua saw that she had been busy all day, serving these three people, and she hadn't made a fuss, so she sat on the ground and started crying.

But this time, what she cried was really sad, and she was wronged to death.

"just kill me!"

Seeing her son treating her like this, Zhao Cuihua kicked her feet on the ground and started crying.

"I strangle you."

Tonight, Sun Guodong seemed to be possessed by an evil spirit. Not only did he not stop crying, but even worse.

Subconsciously, he was afraid that Lu Sihui would laugh at him even more and look down on him when he heard it, so he rushed forward anxiously, and really grabbed Zhao Cuihua's neck with his hands.


Zhao Cuihua didn't expect her son to kill her, so she was so frightened that she fought hard with him, but Sun Guodong, who was furious, was like a tiger, she couldn't push him away at all, her face turned red, and she could hardly cry out He made a sound, his throat seemed to have been cut off by him, even with his mouth wide open, he couldn't breathe.

"Brother, brother, what are you doing?"

Sun Qiuju, who had been pretending to be dead on the kang, felt something was wrong when she heard the humming sound, she hurriedly got up and took a look, when she saw her elder brother strangled her mother's neck fiercely, and her face turned red, her eyes rolled upwards , Seeing that he was about to die.

She was so frightened that she hurriedly jumped off the ground and slapped her elder brother vigorously.

"Dad, help me! Brother is going to strangle Mom to death."

She cried and asked Sun Boxiang for help, but he was lying on the table after drinking too much, and fell asleep happily.

"Brother, you have to pay for killing people. Let go of Mom."

Sun Qiuju hugged her elder brother's waist and dragged her back hard, using all her breastfeeding strength, but she didn't pull Sun Guodong away.

She was so scared that she burst into tears. Sun Guodong didn't react until he heard the crying, let go of his hand suddenly, and sat down on the ground.


Sun Qiuju looked at her mother who was lying motionless on the ground, and was too frightened to go over, so she hid behind her elder brother and called her.

Sun Guodong was trembling with fear, and he lost his anger to support him before he could clearly see Zhao Cuihua who was motionless on the ground.

What's wrong with me?Did he really strangle Mom?
(End of this chapter)

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