Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1287 Killing is to pay for life

Chapter 1287 Killing is to pay for life
Killing people has to pay for their lives. He doesn't want to die yet. He is so young and still has a lot of good lives.

He got up and wanted to run, but Sun Qiuju hugged him around the waist and did not let go.

"Brother, let's save mom, she is dead, where can you go?"

The reason why Sun Qiuju held back her eldest brother was because he killed her mother, and secondly because she did not dare to guard her mother's body.

"No, let me go."

Sun Guodong pushed him away, as soon as he thought of going to jail, he ran out like crazy.

It is a day to be able to hide, and now he just wants to escape from Gushantun as soon as possible.

"Dad, get up! Mom was strangled to death by elder brother."

Sun Qiuju looked at her mother on the ground in fear, crawled to her father, and pushed him hard.

Looking at this old house in horror, everyone said that this house is evil. Lu Sihui's father and stepmother lived here before, and Li Laogen was bewitched by evil, so he hacked Liu Jingyun to death.

The whole family used to live here, and she was afraid, but now there is the body of mother 1. on the ground, and her father was unconscious after drinking too much. , grimly looking at the room.

"Scared me."

She couldn't wake up her father, and there was such a horrible atmosphere in the room again, she screamed in fright and rushed out of the room.

The courtyard was pitch black, she didn't dare to stay, and ran out in a stumbling manner.

"Who are you looking for?"

When she ran out of the house, she was stunned. The acting village chief didn't care about other things. Except for issuing production orders every day, he didn't care about anyone's business.

I still have time to play poker!In the end, she thought of Zhao Yaozu. He is an old village head and he is more enthusiastic. He will definitely take care of this matter.

Lu Sihui and Zhou Zixu took a walk in the inner mountains. Zhou Zixu did it on purpose to delay more time so that Zhao Jinchen could keep number one.

"Sihui, let's sit here and watch the moon!"

When he came to the middle of the mountain, he felt sorry for his wife and was afraid that Lu Sihui would be tired, so he took out his handkerchief and threw it on the stone, letting Lu Sihui sit on it.

"Let's shoot hares!"

Lu Sihui looked at the dark forest, which was not scary during the day, but at night, the dark forest looked like there were monsters hiding in it to spy on the two of them.

She couldn't bear to kill the hare during the day, but now she can arrange for a robot to catch it, which saves the embarrassment of not being able to bear to do it.

Thinking of Wang Mingyuan and his friends, Lu Sihui looked at Zhou Zixu with a smile.

"Zixu, you don't know, a very funny thing happened today"

"Ha, don't say it, I also want to meet this brat if I have the chance."

Zhou Zixu found it funny when he heard it. Is there such an interesting child in the compound?
"My daughter wants little rabbits to raise, see if I can get some for you?"

Lu Sihui raised her hand and stretched her waist. The baby girl liked it, so she naturally wanted to fulfill her wish.

"Really? Then you have to catch one for your daughter."

Zhou Zixu picked up the handkerchief and looked at the dark mountain with a smile. It was impossible to catch rabbits at night, so he had to come and try during the daytime rest.

"Go down the mountain."

Holding his daughter-in-law's hand and walking down the mountain, Lu Sihui frowned and refused to move, "Didn't you want to catch one for her? Why are you still leaving?"

"It's so dark, how do you catch it?"

Zhou Zixu hooked the tip of her nose and asked her with a smile.

"Try it! What if you catch it!"

Lu Sihui looked at him dissatisfied, and gave up without experimenting?
"Do you have any tools? Do you know where the rabbit nest is? These don't know how to catch wild rabbits?"

Zhou Zixu raised three points in a row, but Lu Sihui was silent. Can she say that she has a space capsule, so naturally there are robots to help her catch it?Seriously, what would Zixu think?
(End of this chapter)

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