Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1298 I Want You To Be Happy

Chapter 1298 I Want You To Be Happy

He grabbed number one who was running fast, and said to her out of breath.

"What's not?"

Number One wanted to shake off his arm, but found that he was holding it so tightly that she couldn't shake it off at all.

Staring at him angrily, what on earth is this man going to say?
"I'm not because of self-blame. I was dreaming. I dreamed of you. We were together on the big tree, and there was a blind bear under the tree."

Zhao Jinchen spoke in a hurry, as if he was afraid that she would not believe her, and also as if he was afraid that she would leave before listening to the end.

No. [-] was stunned, she always dreamed of the scene he mentioned.

In the dream, his breath lingered on the tip of her nose, his broad arms held her waist firmly, and the feeling of leaning in his arms seemed like the sky was falling, wouldn't you be afraid?
Take a deep breath, that familiar aura surrounds her right now, it smells like green grass, and has a masculine aura, it smells good, smelling it makes people blush and heartbeat.

He lowered his head, swallowed his saliva, and wanted to say something?But find that you don't know what to say?

Moreover, it seemed that he could not make a sound at all, and his throat seemed to be choked.

Zhao Jinchen didn't know where the courage came from. Seeing her looking at him with tears in her bright black eyes, he felt as if someone had whipped him hard.

Stepping forward, holding her hand, her nervous hands were cold: "I, I think, I seem to like you."

It was extremely difficult for him to say this sentence, and it took him a long time to finish it.

His face was already hot and hot, and he didn't need to look to feel how red his face was. Fortunately, it was at night, otherwise it would be embarrassing.

"Don't lie to yourself, it's not me that you like in your heart."

On the [-]st, Zhao Jinchen looked sadly at Lu Sihui, which was different from seeing anyone else.

There was deep affection in her eyes, and difficult restraint, and she was heartbroken seeing it.

"No, I used to think that too."

Zhao Jinchen felt very embarrassed, liking Lu Sihui made him feel guilty all the time, she was the daughter-in-law of a good brother, how could he be tempted?
Maybe it's because she's too different, maybe she's too disdainful of herself, maybe it's because she's so good, like she stands out from the crowd?
So, he will be moved?
But now I realize that after being away from her for so long, I don't seem to have thought about her, maybe I was just attracted, and I couldn't reach the point of liking her?
In short, he himself felt confused, so how could he explain clearly.


Number one sneered, what do you mean by thinking?Like is like.

She tried hard to withdraw her hand, but she was tired and didn't want to continue talking.

"Give me, give yourself a chance, okay?"

Zhao Jinchen became anxious and squeezed her hand tightly, as if if he let go, he would lose his whole life.

"Give a chance to what? Make me sad again?"

Number one looked at him sadly.

"No, I want you to be happy, it's just that you have seen my home, my parents are old, I have to take care of them, and I have a younger brother who needs to send him to college, so what I want is to be single for the rest of my life and not to harm others. "

Zhao Jinchen sighed, family is his responsibility, he can't let it go no matter what.

Seeing No. [-] hesitated, instead of struggling as fiercely as before, she looked at him suspiciously.

Zhao Jinchen took a deep breath, and spoke again, his voice was mellow and magnetic, low, and drifted into No. 1's ear along the wind.

"Would you like to do it all with me?"

After finishing speaking, he looked nervously at No. [-], and he regretted pointing it out, why should he impose the responsibility of his family on her?
(End of this chapter)

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