Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1299 Pulled together by Moon Sarah

Chapter 1299 Pulled together by the moonlight

Hearing Zhao Jinchen's confession, although there were only a few words, No. [-] was already shocked. She hesitated, not knowing how to answer him.

Should I give him a chance to help my dream come true.

She knew that she disliked everyone except Zhao Jinchen, maybe if she didn't promise her today, she would choose to spend the years to come alone.

It is difficult for a cold person to be tempted, but it is even more difficult to change your mind if you are tempted.

"Forget it, my family should fight on my own!"

After waiting for a long time without waiting for No. [-]'s answer, Zhao Jinchen gave a wry smile, turned and walked towards the village.

He has said everything he should say, and there will be no regrets, that's enough.

"You stop."

Looking at his lonely back, No. [-] felt very sad, and called out to stop him.

Zhao Jinchen's body froze on the spot, standing there without turning his head, his chest was heaving and rising, and his big hands clenched tightly.

Is she going to agree?Still want to scold him?Or say goodbye to him?

"I'm not afraid."

No. [-]'s firm voice came from behind her, as if she was about to take an oath on the platform, she was very solemn.


Zhao Jinchen turned around and looked at her, the moonlight was light, shining on her body, and also on himself, the figures on the ground were actually pulled together by the moonlight.

With a thought, he strode towards her.

"Really, it's just that my arm is disabled, will you despise me?"

No. [-] looked at Zhao Jinchen with firm eyes, raised his injured arm, stared into his eyes and asked.

"Why do you dislike it?"

Zhao Jinchen smiled, even though he only raised the corners of his mouth slightly, he suddenly felt very happy in the eyes of No. [-].

He has never smiled at her. I don't know if it is an illusion, but the way he looks at her seems to be more tender?
"Let's go! Come home with me and make an appointment for our marriage."

Zhao Jinchen stretched out his hand to No. [-]. Today's roe deer banquet is their engagement banquet.

Even he himself didn't expect that things would progress so quickly.

But so what?I have fallen in love with her, I have recognized her, and the most important thing is that No. [-] does not dislike the heavy burden on his family.

"it is good."

Iron-blooded man, he does things cleanly and neatly. Since No. [-] agrees, he won't hold back anymore.

Handing over his hand, Zhao Jinchen smiled and held it tightly. The two of them walked slowly on the way back to the village.

"Do you still remember the situation when we were training in the inner mountain of Gushantun?"

On the way, Zhao Jinchen suddenly asked number one.

"Well, in winter, practice ambushes in the snow"

During that time, the training was very hard, but she and Zhao Jinchen faced each other day and night.

I don't know since when, he has lived in her heart?
"At that time, I thought, you are a woman, how can you have such stamina, and you have never seen you complain about suffering when you train with us old men?"

Zhao Jinchen looked at number one, she was the first woman he admired.

The strange thing is, at that time, why didn't he have any affection for her?
"Women are not necessarily inferior to men. In terms of endurance, women are actually better. Look at Lu Sihui and Li Yanhong. Which one has complained about suffering?"

Number one laughed, and suddenly felt very sweet in his heart. At that time, did he really pay attention to himself?

"Yes, when it comes to the stand, I think you guys are better than us guys when we ambush."

Zhao Jinchen said with emotion, just as he finished speaking, a car light shot over, shaking his eyes so much that he couldn't open his eyes, raised his hand to cover his eyelids, and looked over with a frown.

It must be Zhou Zixu who can be so bad and dazzle his eyes with a strong light.

The car stopped in front of them, and the dust raised was a bit confusing.

Zhou Zixu didn't even see when he walked in front of him, but he heard his playful voice hidden in his laziness.

"How was the talk?"

(End of this chapter)

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