Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1301 Zhou Zixu is gone

Chapter 1301 Zhou Zixu is gone
Zhou Zixu disappeared. He glanced at his watch. It was only five o'clock. Where did this man go?
He got up and dressed, washed up and went downstairs, but he didn't see Zhou Zixu.

"Aunt Su, have you seen Zixu?"

Lu Sihui frowned, did she leave her and go to work?

"No! I got up at 04:30 and didn't see him."

Aunt Su was busy cleaning the house and was wiping the coffee table with a rag.

Lu Sihui frowned and looked at the foot mat at the door, his shoes were gone.

"This man."

Frowning and shaking his head, why didn't he bring himself and his sister-in-law with him to work?
"Aunt Su, have you cooked breakfast?"

Lu Sihui looked at Aunt Su, if she hadn't cooked yet, Lu Sihui would like to watch her cook and cook something delicious for her daughter and Dongsheng.

"Not yet! I'm going to do it after dusting."

Aunt Su thought she was hungry, so she hurriedly put down the rag and planned to go to the kitchen.

"I'll come for breakfast!"

Lu Sihui waved her hand to let her continue, and walked towards the kitchen by herself.

Walking, thinking about what to do?
After entering the kitchen, I checked the ingredients and found that there was nothing good.

Seeing the ready-made cornmeal, it is estimated that Grandpa wanted to eat it and asked Aunt Su to distribute it.

Rolling her eyes, she simply mixed cornmeal with white flour, added sugar, added some baking soda, beat an egg, mixed well, and put it aside for preparation.

There is a big radish at home, she took it out and cut it into thin strips as thick as a little finger, salted it and put it aside.

She cut the tomatoes into small pieces, beat two eggs and put them in a bowl for later use.

Cooking breakfast for my family gives me a feeling of happiness in my heart. I don’t feel tired when I work. The speed is almost the same as when I was training in the unit. Soon, in the blink of an eye, the preparation work is finished.

The cauldron was heated, brushed with a little oil, and the cornmeal was poured into the pan with a spoon, one spoon at a time, and it smelled sweet and sweet.

It quickly baked a large plate, enough for a family to eat.

Clean the pot, pour cold water into the pot, put the diced tomatoes in, sprinkle with shallot leaves, salt and monosodium glutamate, the red and green are already pretty.

Wait for the pot to boil, then put in the beaten egg liquid, stir gently, sprinkle with coriander and sesame oil, and a large pot of tomato and egg soup is out of the pot.

Squeeze out the water from the radish strips, put them in a large bowl, pour sesame oil, soy sauce, salt and monosodium glutamate, a little chili oil, sprinkle with shallot leaves, breakfast pickles are ready.

Fearing that the two children would not like it, they fried another plate of eggs, and they all worked together.

Bring all the food to the table and ask Aunt Su to call someone to eat.

When Mr. Zhou came to the dining table, he was immediately happy. Today's breakfast looked particularly appetizing.

"Sihui, did you do it?"

Mr. Zhou directly asked his daughter-in-law that he knew the quality of Aunt Su's cooking.

"Yes, Grandpa, do you like it?"

Lu Sihui smiled and helped grandpa open the chair, and couldn't help looking at the door, why hasn't Zixu come back yet?

What did you do?
"Sihui, the food you cook looks delicious."

Li Yanhong's appetite has not been very good recently, and she always feels like vomiting, so when she saw this table of light, but delicious food, her taste buds widened.

"Mom, I want a pancake."

Swift washed her face by herself, and Aunt Su combed her hair, and she sat on the stool dressed up beautifully.

Children like to act coquettishly with their mother, and the tortilla is obviously right in front of her, so they act coquettishly and ask their mother to bring it to her.

"help yourself."

Lu Sihui looked at her seriously, always felt that children should not be used to it, and they had to be self-reliant since childhood.

Little Swift pursed her mouth and looked at her mother aggrieved.

"Be careful of the heat."

Seeing the pitiful little eyes of her daughter, Lu Sihui surrendered, not only brought the cake, but also coaxed her softly.

"Why didn't you wait for me to eat?"

(End of this chapter)

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