Chapter 1302 Why is she?

Zhou Zixu stood at the door with a smile on his face, and the sun shone behind him, making his smile even more dazzling.

I don't know where I got up early?Half of his trouser legs were wet.

"Yuyan, see what Dad brought back for you?"

Zhou Zixu took out a small basket from behind, and there were three cute little gray rabbits in it, looking around in panic.


After seeing it clearly, Swift happily jumped off the stool and ran towards her father with her short legs.

"Second uncle, you are awesome."

Dong Sheng also ran over, didn't eat any food, and squatted in front of the basket with his sister, reluctant to leave for a while.

"Eat first, then play after eating."

Zhou Zixu picked up the two babies, one in each hand, and carried them to the dining table.

"Did you get up early to catch rabbits?"

Lu Sihui looked at him in disbelief, Zixu took it to heart when she said that last night?
Zhou Zixu smiled at her, blinked mischievously, and didn't answer her question.

Glancing at the food on the table, the smile on the corner of his mouth grew stronger. He took the cake and teased Aunt Su: "Aunt Su, you cooked a good breakfast today!"

"I did it? It's Sihui's credit. She made the breakfast all by herself."

Aunt Su was embarrassed to claim credit, and pointed at Lu Sihui with a smile.

Zhou Zixu glanced at Lu Sihui with complaints in his eyes. She is pregnant and doesn't know how to rest?
Lu Sihui smiled, lowered her head and drank the soup, it's not that she can't move at the age of one month, so there is no need to be so nervous?
Today was the day when Lu Sihui and Li Yanhong returned to the team. After dinner, they followed Zhou Zixu to the unit by car.

On the way, Zhou Zixu suddenly looked at Lu Sihui with a smile.

"I have good news for you."

Lu Sihui looked at him sideways. She liked to see his smile the most. It was very contagious. When she saw him smiling, she felt inexplicably at ease, so she asked her with a smile.

"What good news?"

"Secret now."

Zhou Zixu was also bad. After arousing Lu Sihui's interest, he pretended to be mysterious and didn't tell her.

"Sell out?"

Lu Sihui put on a straight face and gave him a blank look. Isn't it because No. [-] is with Zhao Jinchen?I also know that he likes to talk but not to talk.

Li Yanhong sat in the back seat and smiled, watching the two bickering was quite interesting.

"I promise you will be happy."

Zhou Zixu glanced sideways at his daughter-in-law, with a small face as if he was angry, and he didn't care that his sister-in-law was in the back seat, he reached out to hold his daughter-in-law's hand, and told her with a smile.

"If it's about No. [-], you don't need to talk about it."

Lu Sihui didn't want to hear it anymore!He looked out of the window with a sullen face.

Zhou Zixu smiled, kept silent, and drove steadily.

His responsibility is heavy, but there are two pregnant women in the car!The Zhou family is thriving.

When they got to the Falcons, Lu Sihui and Li Yanhong were greeted by a red banner with a few large characters on it, 'Welcome the heroine to return to the team. '

The stationmates stood neatly. After seeing Lu Sihui and Li Yanhong get off the bus, there was thunderous applause.

"Welcome the female hero to return to the team."

The sound of Qi Shushu resounded through the sky, and the unit always gave people a feeling of excitement.

The corners of Lu Sihui and Li Yanhong's eyes were moist, looking at the familiar faces, they saluted together.

With solemn expressions and standard salutes, after returning to the team, the two people's iron-blooded team spirits were naturally revealed.

"Flowers for heroes."

Zhou Zixu smiled brightly, waved to the people hiding behind the line, and shouted confidently.

Looking at the person who came to give her flowers, Lu Sihui's eyes widened, why is it her?

(End of this chapter)

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