Chapter 1303

Huang Yaomei and No. [-] in uniform, each holding a bouquet of flowers, walked towards Lu Sihui and Li Yanhong with smiles amidst the applause of the comrades.

Huang Yaomei looked at Lu Sihui with admiration, and she also wanted to be the best female team member.

"Yaomei successfully passed the exam through her own efforts, and now she is a member of the Falcons."

Zhou Zixu's voice rang in Lu Sihui's ears, and Lu Sihui looked at him excitedly, this was indeed a happy event, she was happy for Huang Yaomei.

The simple welcome ceremony is over, and then the team members go to regular training.

Lu Sihui and Li Yanhong were unable to participate in the training due to their circumstances. Lu Sihui was unwilling to take care of the logistics, and Li Yanhong took her place.

"Zixu, I want to bring comrades."

Lu Sihui looked at Zhou Zixu against the sun. The comrades on the practice field were training energetically. She wanted to lead the team herself and watch them train. She would also feel good.

"You are the vice captain now, and you can lead the players to train."

Zhou Zixu doted on her 1. Looking at her with admiration, Lu Sihui's potential has not been fully tapped. In the past, she always listened to the command to train and personally led the team. This was the first time for her.

As a training instructor for the first time, Lu Sihui was somewhat nervous. In order to test her ability, Zhou Zixu gave her all the stationmates who had just joined Falcon, including Huang Yaomei.

During the morning's intensive training, Lu Sihui led her comrades according to the training method she used in the special training base. These newcomers to the Falcon station have suffered a bit.

Fortunately, they all had perseverance, no one called for hard work, and they gritted their teeth and survived.

"Everyone is there, line up to eat in the cafeteria."

Lu Sihui is not satisfied, but she still understands that training needs to be done step by step.

When it was time to eat at noon, she ordered loudly, her voice was full of confidence, and she felt a bit majestic in the sun.

Zhou Zixu is the team leader now, and he needs to take care of a lot of things, so he stays in the office all morning.

At noon, I finished writing the plan for the strong king, threw the pen in my hand on the table, and stretched a lot.

Writing a plan is more tiring than running ten kilometers off-road.

He took out Hongmei cigarettes, which were considered good cigarettes. His father gave him a rare reward, and he was very happy to smoke them.

Light one, stand up, and open the window, just in time to see the majestic appearance of the daughter-in-law, with the corners of her mouth curled up comfortably.

Squinting, smoking a cigarette, admiring the heroic appearance of his daughter-in-law.

When Sihui is the most beautiful on the training ground, she is confident, calm, majestic, why does she look so good?

Lu Sihui was watching the stationmates stand in line, feeling the warmth behind her, and turned around to see Zhou Zixu standing in front of the window, smoking a cigarette.

"Have a meal."

She said to him with lip language, Zhou Zixu smiled and raised his big hand holding the cigarette to show that he knew.

Lu Sihui withdrew her gaze and looked like a serious instructor again. She followed the team she led and walked towards the cafeteria together.

After finishing a cigarette, Zhou Zixu flicked his hand, tugged at the hem of his uniform, put on his hat and left the office.

The canteen is still queuing up, and the songs have already started to sing. The loud and clear singing echoes in the canteen, full of momentum and very expressive.

Lu Sihui followed the team, she is now the vice captain, in fact, she can go to the window of another team to line up.

However, she didn't go there, and wanted to spend more time with Huang Yaomei, who had just arrived.

Lowering her voice, she asked the tired-looking Huang Yaomei: "How is it? Can you still stand it?"

(End of this chapter)

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