Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1319 Can't be an authoritarian parent

Chapter 1319 Can't be an authoritarian parent

Lu Sihui glared at him, thinking of that stubborn little thing who called herself a cruel aunt, she liked it very much, but that bad temper, can it be trained?
That is a wild horse, and the whip may not be effective.

"Just kidding! Now Swift is still young."

Lu Sihui didn't take it seriously, how could she take what she said while drinking seriously?
Swift blinked her big black eyes all the time, and she seemed to understand what her parents said.

"Mom. I like little brother."

Looking up at her mother, Lu Sihui almost spurted blood when her childish voice came out.

"Little kid, how old are you, do you know what it means to like?"

She patted her angrily, and when she saw her mother was angry, Swift pursed her mouth and dared not say any more.

"Look, we can't be dictatorial parents, can we? Let's not participate in the children's affairs, okay?"

Zhou Zixu looked at his daughter, smiled triumphantly, and began to teach Lu Sihui a lesson.

"To shut up."

Lu Sihui reprimanded him angrily, but she had already started to think in her heart, if it was true that Yuyan and Xiao Ming were together, then she would have to deal with that brat first.

Otherwise, when the two of them got married, what would my son-in-law do if he called her a cruel mother-in-law all day long?
That picture, thinking about it, makes my heart swell.

After dinner, Zhou Zixu took his wife and sister-in-law to work together.

When you arrive at the unit, call out the selected boys to give lectures;"

Today, we will practice tactical coordination, shooting and dribbling. I must win the first place in the basketball game. If anyone dares to hold me back, come back and close the small black room. "

Zhang Changshui twitched his lips in the team, and the most likely one who was holding back must be the deputy minister. Then how would he punish himself?
"Zhang Changshui, you are not convinced, are you? Come on, come out, let's practice alone."

His little expression naturally did not escape Zhou Zixu's eagle eyes, hooked his fingers, and called him out arrogantly.

"Yes, but Deputy Minister, I'm afraid you will lose face."

After Zhang Changshui saluted and agreed, he scratched the back of his head and smiled a bit wickedly.

He will definitely not let it go, and he wants Huang Yaomei to see his brave side!

The one who lost must be Zhou Zixu. According to his unyielding character, he would definitely be unlucky, so he wanted to ask him for a promise not to clean up himself, so as not to suffer for a while.

"Ha, so confident, okay, if you lose, just do a thousand push-ups for me honestly."

Zhou Zixu smiled, his squinted eyes flickered coldly, brat, if you want to show yourself off, then let him dig a hole and jump by himself!

"Then I won?"

Zhang Changshui didn't care at all, he didn't think he would lose to Zhou Zixu who knew nothing about basketball.

Worried about being punished if he won, he stared at Zhou Zixu and made a promise in public that he would not punish himself after the game.

"Win? I do a thousand push-ups? Satisfied?"

Zhou Zixu's smile was a little naughty, but his eyes were dull, which scared Zhang Changshui so much that he didn't dare to answer, he had an ominous premonition in his heart.

Don't let the deputy minister know how to play basketball and lie to him?

"Come with me."

Zhou Zixu didn't care what he was thinking, he put his arms around his neck and led him to the training ground.

Wang Yuzhu and Vice Captain Wu looked at Zhang Changshui worriedly, and stroked the tiger's beard, which made him feel better.

Lu Sihui was directing the training over there. Seeing Zhou Zixu hugging Zhang Changshui, he seemed to be holding Zhang Changshui hostage. She frowned for no reason. What did Zixu want to do?
Huang Yaomei also saw it, felt that Zhou Zixu's eyes were not good, and began to worry about Zhang Changshui in her heart.

(End of this chapter)

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