Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1320 Completely ignored him

Chapter 1320 Completely ignored him

The stationmates are all training, but Zhou Zixu and Zhang Changshui are playing basketball over there. Is this training?Just a little absent-minded.From time to time, he glanced under the basketball hoop.

Since the basketball hoop was installed, it has not been used a few times. It has been exposed to the wind and the sun for a long time, and the paint on the backboard is mottled and looks very old.

Zhou Zixu and Zhang Changshui became the enemy and us. In order to show that he is the deputy minister and cannot bully Zhang Changshui, Zhou Zixu threw the basketball into his hand and asked him to attack first.

Zhang Changshui dribbled the ball excitedly, staring at Zhou Zixu with covetous eyes. He couldn't believe that he couldn't win against the vice minister who couldn't play basketball at all?
Zhou Zixu rolled up the sleeves of his uniform, half bent over, the correct defensive method.

Zhang Changshui looked a little confused, I haven't had time to teach him this trick yet!Why is the deputy minister self-taught?

The speed of his dribbling began to increase. In order to confuse Zhou Zixu, he also swayed the ball back and forth, so that Zhou Zixu would not know which side he wanted to attack from.

Zhou Zixu looked at him with a smile, keeping his movements unchanged, but his eyes gradually became sharper. [This brat, is it over?Dribble quickly? 】

"Haha, here I come, Deputy Minister."

Zhang Changshui looked funny, always felt that Zhou Zixu was bluffing, he dribbled the ball quickly and approached him, trying to sway past him, and then scored a layup, and he won.

Who knows, he was too happy too early, the ball in his hand was in Zhou Zixu's hands at some point, he hurried to grab it, but the ball seemed to be stuck in Zhou Zixu's hand, he couldn't snatch it no matter what down.

Zhou Zixu dribbled the ball quickly and rushed towards Zhang Changshui's basket.

His speed was very fast, and his long legs moved like flying. Zhang Changshui had a hard time chasing him.

Watching Zhou Zixu score a layup, he won, all his movements were standard, and he couldn't find any faults?

"Deputy Minister, if you want to clean up me, just say so!"

Zhang Changshui looked at Zhou Zixu with a mournful face, thinking he couldn't, but he was better at basketball than him.

Isn't this punishment a bit unjust?If I had known that he was such a good basketball player, I wouldn't have played against him if I was killed.

"Go, stop talking nonsense, a thousand push-ups."

Zhou Zixu gave him a sideways look, he had underestimated himself before, but now, he was scared.

The basketball was slapped on the ground, the corners of her mouth couldn't hide the smugness, and she looked at Lu Sihui with her radiant peach eyes, hoping to see admiration on her face, or being proud of him.

The smile froze, Lu Sihui didn't look at him at all, and instructed the stationmates to train the 400-meter obstacle course, with their backs turned to his side, how could they see the match between him and Zhang Changshui?
He won the ball in such a smart way, in order to let her see his vigorous skills, but unexpectedly, she completely ignored him.

"A thousand push-ups, hurry up."

Turning his head and glaring at the reluctant Zhang Changshui, his anger spilled on him.

The corners of Lu Sihui's mouth curled up slightly. She just saw that Zixu dribbled the ball so handsomely. However, she is his wife and a member of the training team, so naturally she can't take the lead and stare at them.

"Sihui, don't you even look at me?"

There was a familiar smell in his breath, and Zhou Zixu's unique lazy voice came from his ears, and he could hear that he was not happy.

Lu Sihui stared straight ahead blankly, as if she didn't hear what he said, and didn't respond.


Zhou Zixu was a little angry, and turned around to leave, when Lu Sihui's extremely low voice came from behind him, and he immediately smiled.

(End of this chapter)

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