Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1321 One flash and one cunning

Chapter 1321 A flash of cunning

"Sihui, I will definitely win No.1 in this competition."

Zhou Zixu looked at his daughter-in-law with fighting spirit, and stood side by side with her, whispering from his thin lips, with his unique arrogance.

"I believe you."

The smile on Lu Sihui's lips grew stronger, there was nothing that Zixu wanted to do that he couldn't do.

The day of the game came soon, and the team trained by Zhou Zixu himself used the style of play he summed up by himself, and stood out in the basketball game of the ministry.

Lu Sihui led a few lesbians and became a cheerleader for the Falcons, shouting loudly outside the arena: "Come on, come on!"

What was going on at this time was the crucial match between the Zhou family brothers to win the championship of the security department.

Zhou Zixu is high-spirited, Zhou Zisong is calm and calm, and Li Yanhong is the most tangled one. She represents the Falcons, but the Falcons' opponent is her husband. They shouted for cheers during the game, but they didn't know who they were calling for.

"Old Zhou, I found out. There are two boys from your family in our department. Basically, there is no other unit. The first and second are all your son's."

Political Commissar Zhang held a telescope in his hand, and he saw the expressions of Zhou Zixu and Zhou Zisong. They are a pair of heroes. With them around, nothing else matters.


Zhou Baichuan didn't answer, but there was a rare smile on his face.

His two sons are his pride.

The whistle sounded, and the game started. Zhou Zixu attacked first, and Zhou Zisong faced it calmly. The scores of the two teams were very close.

Zhou Zixu didn't expect his elder brother to play basketball so well. He didn't pay attention to it before, but he saw it today, and he struggled a bit.

Zhou Zisong was even more surprised. Zixu didn't know how to play basketball before, but that night he only saw him twirling the ball with his fingers, thinking that he could only do that.

Unexpectedly, his dribbling speed, dodging interception speed, and layup shooting are simply like a professional basketball player.

He began to play more steadily, and now the Iron Blood team has three points more than the Falcon Brigade. As long as it is stable until the end of the game, he will win.

He played steadily on his side, while Zhou Zixu started to worry on his side. He had no chance to get under the basket at all. The people who defended the team were playing defensively.

Seeing that the time was almost up, Zhou Zixu was very anxious.

Suddenly he remembered the three-point basket Wang Guoqiang gave him, his eyes lit up immediately, and he turned around holding the ball.

Zhou Zisong's eyes flashed alertness, just now there seemed to be a flash of cunning in his younger brother's eyes.

He blocked Zhou Zixu's way more vigilantly, not letting him get close to the basket, but he couldn't make a foul to pull him.

While he was hesitating for a few seconds, Zhou Zixu turned around, and the basketball in his hand flew towards the basket. He raised his hand to stop it, but it was still a step too late.

But he wasn't too nervous. Not everyone can hit the three-pointer, even he couldn't.

Staring at the basketball, it drew an arc in the sun and fell into the basketball hoop, and the whistle sounded at this time.

Zhou Zisong put his hands on his hips in frustration. He obviously won, but it turned out to be a draw.

Zhou Zixu walked up to his eldest brother in high spirits, sweat ran down his proud cheeks, and inside the red vest were his bulging muscles, as strong as a mountain.

"Brother, you have to pay attention next time."

He smiled brightly, and Zhou Zisong gave him a cold look. It can only be said that he was lucky to score a three-pointer by chance. With such a proud personality, he would cry one day.

The leaders in the stands all stood up, and the situation changed at a critical moment. How should we judge the number one now?All eyes were on Zhou Baichuan, waiting for his order.

(End of this chapter)

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