Chapter 1322

"Shoot a three-pointer to decide the outcome!"

Zhou Baichuan hesitated for a moment before making a decision. There can only be one No. [-] player in each game, and as a representative, he will participate in the regional competition, then the national competition, and finally play against the Bayi Basketball Team.

Therefore, it is absolutely impossible to allow two No. 1s to exist, so there is only fair pitching, and No. [-] is determined in this way.

Lu Sihui's palms were sweating nervously, Zixu's performance was simply too good, she was proud of him, but now it's a draw, what should I do next?Her heart is hanging.

Li Yanhong is not much better than her. As a member of the Falcon, she also hopes that the Falcon will win.

But as a wife, she hoped that Zisong would win.

You can't lose the elder brother in the skills competition, and also lose in the basketball game, right?How much does this hurt Zisong's self-esteem?

"Next, a three-point shot will be made to decide the outcome, and each team will send one player."

Political commissar Zhang called the referee over and gave him an order to execute it.


The referee saluted and agreed, trotted back to the arena, and repeated the leader's order.

Zhou Zixu smiled, and cast a sideways glance at his eldest brother, he must be the one who came out of the Falcon team, I don't know if his eldest brother plans to send a team member, or is he himself?
"it is good."

Zhou Zisong took a deep breath and nodded, raised his hand to wipe the sweat off his forehead, sweat dripped from his firm muscles under the sun, and looked at his younger brother with sharp eyes, his eyes seemed to be very happy, It seems that this three-point basket is as easy as finding something for him.

Nong Mei frowned, turned around and returned to the front of his team, scanned around, and found that the psychological quality of the other people was obviously weaker, but it was a draw, so they became a little impatient.

With this mentality, he was really worried.

"I go."

He said something coldly, turned around and walked back to the arena.

He looked at his younger brother at the same level, he is really outstanding now, which made him look up in admiration.

Why did he act like a dandy before, and why did he excel in everything? My father and myself are naturally proud of him.

"Brother, let me tell you, I hit every three-pointer."

Seeing the admiration for him in the eyes of his elder brother, Zhou Zixu was as happy as a flower blooming in his heart. He looked sideways at the stands, hoping that his father would be proud of him too.

Looking at the eldest brother, he used a psychological station in advance.

Zhou Zisong's eyes were cold and his expression was gloomy: "Don't move your mouth, you will only find out through the competition."

"Who will come first?"

Zhou Zixu threw the basketball into the air, looked at his elder brother, and asked him with a smile.


Zhou Zisong looked at him indifferently, it didn't matter who came first, but the sequence was different.

"You are the eldest brother, you come first."

When the basketball fell, Zhou Zixu grabbed it and threw it to Zhou Zisong.

Seeing that the eldest brother received it, he smiled charmingly: "I respect the old man."

Zhou Zisong glared at him, snorted coldly, and reprimanded him, "Poor mouth."

Zhou Zixu shrugged, put his hands on his hips and retreated to the sidelines, leaving the venue for his elder brother to perform.

Seeing Zhou Zisong taking the ball, Li Yanhong stood up nervously, ignoring that she was the Falcon's cheerleader, waved the confetti garland in her hand, swung it violently at Zhou Zisong, and shouted to him: "Zisong, come on."

Zhou Zisong looked at his wife with a slight smile on his cold face. After looking away, he took a deep breath, restrained himself, raised the basketball and threw it towards the basketball hoop.

With everyone watching, the basketball hit the backboard, landed in the hoop, and made a beautiful three-pointer.

Looking back at Zhou Zixu, he hooked his fingers, picked up the basketball and threw it to him, it was his turn.

(End of this chapter)

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