Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1340 How can this be

Chapter 1340 How can this be
Zhou Zisong frowned and looked at his daughter-in-law. He had just taught his younger brother a lesson, and she added to the chaos. Can't everyone in the Zhou family ask for leave in one unit?
"Sister-in-law, Zixu asked me to give No. [-] four shops and four covers as a dowry to her natal family."

Lu Sihui answered honestly, she didn't think there was any problem, and Li Yanhong felt embarrassed when she heard that.

Although she and Zisong have a lot of monthly allowances, she has to post 20 yuan to her parents every month, and the remaining ten yuan is enough for her and the children's pocket money.

Zisong's salary is five or six yuan a month for smoking. Occasionally, he has to be a part-timer, so he doesn't have much money to save.

Therefore, it is impossible for her to be as generous as Lu Sihui. After all, she is going to have a baby, and she must keep some money in her hand, otherwise she will have no idea.

But they are all comrades in the same unit, and I and Lu Sihui are still sisters-in-law, she gave such a heavy gift, if I gave a washbasin, I wouldn't be able to get a pillow towel or anything.

Looking at Lu Sihui in embarrassment, he discussed with her in a low voice.

"Sihui, it will cost a few hundred yuan, I. Let's do it this way! Can the four shops and four buildings be a joint gift from the two of us?"


Lu Sihui looked at Zhou Zixu, the gift that was originally ordered, has changed?

"I think it's okay. If you give a gift that is too heavy, you can't take it even at the first time. It's decided like that."

Seeing the embarrassment in his sister-in-law's eyes, Zhou Zixu immediately understood what she was thinking, and smiled to persuade Sihui.

Anyway, there are not many, a bicycle, two shops and two buildings, and marrying a wife in the countryside, those who can afford these are relatively wealthy families.

"Thank you! Then I won't go with you, go to work, and save my family from asking for leave."

Li Yanhong felt relieved, smiled and left with Zhou Zisong.

"Mom, I'm going too."

Swift ran over on short legs, she didn't like going to the nursery school and wanted to be with her parents.


Lu Sihui scolded her with a straight face, she doesn't like to study at such a young age, how can this be okay?

"Daddy will send you and brother to nursery school."

Zhou Zixu picked up his daughter and kissed her chubby face. Fortunately, there was Dongsheng!They are all in the same nursery school, Dongsheng is in the big class, and Yuyan is in the small class. They are usually taken care of by their elder brother, and Yuyan is not bullied.


Swift played with her chubby hand unhappily, and answered without emotion.

After sending Swift and Dongsheng to the nursery, they met Wang Guoqiang who came to see off their son at the door. Zhou Zixu chatted with him a little bit about the basketball game.

Over there, Wang Mingyuan saw Swift, ran over to hold her hand, and walked towards the nursery as a childhood sweetheart.

Little Swift, who was still gloomy at first, happily followed Wang Mingyuan after seeing Wang Mingyuan.

Dongsheng stared at Wang Mingyuan unhappily, thinking that he took his sister away.

"Brother Wang, let's go first, come to my house for dinner tonight, I got a pheasant."

Before leaving, Zhou Zixu extended an invitation to Wang Guoqiang. He is also his team father. Without him, would he be able to shine on the basketball court?
"Okay, I happen to be hungry too, I'll bring the wine, Wuliangye, my father's treasure."

Wang Guoqiang didn't hold back, and agreed generously. The two brothers joked a little, and the dinner was settled.

Zhou Zixu drove into the urban area, took Sihui directly to the department store, found a place to park the car, Zhou Zixu opened the car door, and walked over to help Sihui open the door.

A man slammed into his shoulder, ran away in a hurry without even saying a word.

Zhou Zixu patted his shoulder and stared angrily at his back, being chased by a ghost?What are you doing so fast?

"He's murdered, comrade, catch him."

(End of this chapter)

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