Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1341 The Bird of Fright

Chapter 1341 The Bird of Fright
A few old men were chasing while shouting, Zhou Zixu didn't delay after listening, and ran after him with long legs.

His explosive power is already good, and he has been training for a long time, and his speed is as fast as an arrow from the string.

The man running in front was already a frightened bird. Although he ran desperately, he was panicked.

Just to waste this time, Zhou Zixu rushed behind him, stretched out his long arms to grab his shoulders, and fell backwards. The big man weighing more than 100 kilograms was thrown down by him like a chicken on the ground.

Zhou Zixu's men didn't show mercy, the fall was severe, the man rolled on the ground with his calf in his arms, screaming repeatedly.

"Do you still want to run?"

Zhou Zixu went up with a grabbing hand and pinned him to the ground. The men behind him also chased him and applauded Zhou Zixu one after another.

"Comrade, you are wonderful."

Zhou Zixu picked up the man from the ground. This man was about 20 years old. He had red and black skin, a big face, hanging eyes, three white eyes, and his eyebrows were as bald as his hair. There was a scar on the brow bone. When looking at people with eyes, there is a hint of cruelty.

He glared fiercely at Zhou Zixu, and when he saw clearly that he was wearing a uniform, his arrogance disappeared immediately.

Zhou Zixu didn't care about this kid's ruthlessness at all, no matter how ruthless he was, wouldn't he be punished by him?
Hold him down, press his head down, and prevent him from raising his head to scare the common people who are chasing him.

"what happened?"

"This man robbed an old lady of her purse. If she refused, he stabbed her with a knife. The old lady was covered in blood, lying in front of the department store!"

The people who caught up were panting. At this time, people still had a sense of justice. Even if the murderer still had a knife in his hand, he chased after him without fear.

Lu Sihui watched from the side, she was pregnant, and with Zixu around, let him do the work of catching villains!

Hearing what these people said, she glanced towards the door of the department store.

Surrounded by huge crowds of people, noisy and noisy, it looks like something big has happened.

"Sihui, I'll take her to the police station, and you call an ambulance."

At this time, Zhou Zixu couldn't ignore it, he had to take care of things while wearing a uniform, otherwise he would be sorry for the uniform.

"it is good."

Lu Sihui nodded in agreement, first found a factory, took out her work permit, and successfully called 120. Before the ambulance came, she bought cotton wool and squeezed into the crowd to stop the bleeding. Otherwise, when the ambulance came, no one would be killed. up.

"excuse me."

There are too many people, she has to protect her stomach first, these people are also there, what is the excitement of watching bloody?
Someone over there saw the accident and ran this way!I'm afraid I won't be able to see the excitement when it's too late.

Lu Sihui had to push the person in front, but was scolded impatiently.

"Don't squeeze, everyone wants to watch the fun, why are you squeezing?"

"Get out of the way, you are all around, the ambulance can't get in."

Lu Sihui yelled angrily, and the man who was talking in front turned around and saw that it was the female iron-blooded team member, who stared at him sharply, and hurriedly moved out of the way in fright.

"Let everyone in, let comrades in."

He started to help Lu Sihui evacuate the crowd, but unfortunately, no one listened to him, he shut up after only shouting twice, stepped his feet and looked into the middle of the crowd.

"Stand back and make room for the ambulance."

These spectators were about to step on the victim, Lu Sihui sternly reprimanded him, and cleared him up.

The onlookers were all shocked by her aura and stepped back obediently.

Lu Sihui cleared herself up and squatted on the ground holding the cotton wool, ready to stop the old lady from bleeding.

After seeing his face clearly, she stood up abruptly, she didn't care about this man.

(End of this chapter)

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