Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1342 Such a person deserves death

Chapter 1342 Such a person deserves death
The person lying in the pool of blood was Zhou Zheng's mother. She was stabbed in the neck and was cut deeply. Bright red blood gushed out. The new clothes on her body were completely soaked in blood. bloody smell.

At this time, she was still angry, staring in horror, covering her neck with one hand, and reaching out to Lu Sihui with the other, wanting her to save herself.

His throat was gurgling, as if he wanted to say something, but he couldn't say a word.

Lu Sihui looked at her coldly, and heard No. [-] talk about her heartlessness, seeing that her granddaughter could treat her like that, so inhumane, death is not a pity, but she didn't expect that there would be retribution so soon?
There was more and more blood on the ground, the fear in Zhou Zheng's mother's eyes became heavier and heavier, her body began to feel cold, she didn't want to die, she hadn't lived enough, looking at Lu Sihui, meeting her deep and cold eyes, knowing She was not going to save herself, her eyes became desperate.

"The ambulance is coming."

Someone yelled, but Zhou Zheng's mother couldn't wait to be rescued, her legs started to twitch, and her eyes kept turning upwards, no different from a chicken or duck that was killed.

"Step aside."

Doctors and ambulancemen squeezed into the crowd carrying a stretcher, checked first and found that the victim had died.

"No, it's dead, send it directly to the morgue!"

The doctor shook his head, saying that there was no value in treating him, so he put the person in the bag containing the corpse and carried him away.

"Tsk, is this dead?"

"I know her. Her son was killed just after he was promoted to a leader. He is also unlucky."

"If you want me to say, it's retribution. It's pitiful to see her granddaughter being abused by her. Such a person deserves to die."

"Her youngest son is also dead, it's all retribution for not doing good deeds."

There was a lot of discussion among the crowd, some of them knew Zhou Zheng's family, and they all said that they were retribution.

Lu Sihui couldn't smell the pungent bloody smell, turned around and squeezed out of the crowd, walked into the department store, took a big breath, the disgusting bloody smell still couldn't be dispelled.

"People are bad, and this blood stinks."

He let out a long breath and whispered something.

Zhou Zixu sent the murderer to the police station and hurried back to the department store.

The crowd had already dispersed, there were shocking bloodstains on the ground, and flies were buzzing around.

He looked around but couldn't find Lu Sihui, frowned and went back to the jeep to look for her, but he didn't see her either.

"Where are people, Mom, where are people!"

I don't know who notified Brother Zhou Zheng, he hurried over in a car, looked at the pool of blood on the ground, and looked around there crying.

Zhou Zixu knew this person. The last time Zhao Jinchen beat Zhou Zheng, his elder brother was about to come forward to sue him. It was his elder brother and himself who came forward to suppress the matter.

"Zhou Yong, your .1 mother has been sent to the morgue, go find it!"

Someone around knew Brother Zhou Zheng, so they came over and told him that Brother Zhou Zheng cried when he heard the thunder and rain; "Oh my god, why did you leave, why did you leave without letting me take a look, it hurts me to death."

It was very sad to watch, but when I wiped my tears, there was no tear in my eyes at all.

The old lady was so restless at home, and she kept asking him for money, and if he didn't give it, she would go to the city to sue him. If she died, she would not worry, but if she was alive, she would be a troublemaker.

Zhou Zixu was too lazy to watch his performance, and walked towards the department store. According to what he knew about Sihui, she might have already gone in to buy something.

At this time, Lu Sihui was looking at the quilts in front of the counter, and there were relatively few people buying quilts. Compared with the crowds of people in front of other counters, this place seemed deserted. There were only two people in front of them, and they left after buying something.

She was choosing slowly on the counter, and the salesperson looked at her impatiently.

(End of this chapter)

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