Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1343 Undoubted Order

Chapter 1343 Undoubted Order

"Comrade, do you want to buy it or not?"

Finally, she couldn't help but began to question Lu Sihui. After watching for a long time, she didn't say she wanted it, and even touched the quilt. Don't you know that comrades have rough hands?These are all brocade quilts, how do you sell them with fluff?
"Give me a better attitude."

Lu Sihui looked up and saw her disgusted gaze, her face suddenly turned cold, and she ordered her rudely.

When she's not angry, Lu Sihui is at best cooler. When she loses her temper, her eyes are so fierce that people dare not look at each other, even men are afraid.

The coldness all over his body seemed to be able to freeze people to death in this midsummer, the salesperson was stunned, where did this handsome lesbian come from such a terrifying aura?

She was so frightened that she didn't dare to make another sound, she honestly lowered her head and let Lu Sihui choose, and she didn't dare to show an impatient attitude.

Zhou Zixu came in just in time to see the domineering side of his daughter-in-law, and the corners of his mouth were raised in joy. Whoever bullies her is asking for trouble.

"How is it? Have you chosen?"

Walking over and opening her mouth with a smile, Lu Sihui looked sideways at him, and brought him the two quilts she had chosen.

"Choose these two for the time being, do you think it will work?"

"That's right, big red and big green, just for marriage, red men and dolls, Sihui, you really know how to choose."

Zhou Zixu glanced at it. The brocade quilt, embroidered with dragons and phoenixes, looks very high-end. It is the best quilt at this time.

Wearing a high hat for the daughter-in-law with a smile, there are not many colors in total, and rose pink and light pink are not as festive as this red paired with green.

The salesperson's eyes froze when he saw Zhou Zixu. This gay brother is so handsome, and his smile can almost take her away.

How did that tall and straight body like a pine tree grow so tall?

Fair and clean skin, under the thick black eyebrows is a pair of bright peach blossom eyes, full of smiles, how much affection, how much doting.

If he could look at her like this, even if he died right away, she wouldn't have any regrets?
Looking at Lu Sihui in disgust, she is going to marry him. Is she worthy of such a good man?

Seeing the salesperson glaring at Lu Sihui, Zhou Zixu turned cold and stared at her coldly. His sharp eyes were like two flashing swords, and shot towards the salesperson.


The salesman was so scared that he gasped, this man is so charming when he smiles, and his downcast face can scare you so much that you dare not breathe, put away your thoughts, lower your head and dare not look at him again, let alone have any more indiscretions thought.

"Aren't there four beds and four covers? What color should you choose for the rest of the quilt?"

Seeing Zhou Zixu venting her anger, Lu Sihui couldn't help but raise the corners of her mouth, her smile was very sweet, and her voice became gentle.

"Aren't these exactly four colors? One is the same, so it's easy to choose."

"Thirty catties of cotton, the inside of the quilt, and the surface of the mattress, have been measured for me according to the normal size."

Zhou Zixu spoke with a smile when facing Sihui, and when he turned around to order the salesperson, he had a calm face and an unquestionable command tone.

The salesperson glanced at Lu Sihui jealously, met her mocking gaze, and hurriedly withdrew her gaze in fright, and honestly issued the ticket.

When buying things at this time, the salesperson does not collect the money, they just draw the ticket and take it to the cashier to pay and distribute the ticket, cotton ticket, Zhou Zixu goes there by himself, and Lu Sihui waits here.

"It's all packed."

Lu Sihui ordered her in a cold voice, it is reasonable to wait for the bills to be returned before paying for the goods, and she has to order the same goods, and the goods are correct.

But being stared at coldly by her, the salesperson was so frightened that she hurriedly prepared everything and looked at Lu Sihui nervously.

I don't understand why such a handsome guard likes this moody woman?

(End of this chapter)

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