Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1346 Is there such a cheating friend?

Chapter 1346 Is there such a cheating friend?

The [-]th bicycle was very high, but it was not a problem for Zhou Zixu's long legs that defied the sky. He stepped up and pedaled the bicycle steadily.

Lu Sihui put her hands on the handlebars, leaned forward slightly, and Zixu's arms wrapped around her, as if holding her in his arms.

The masculinity on his body, mixed with the faint smell of cigarettes, floated directly into her breath.

The chin rested on the top of her head, and the hot air from her nose sprayed on the top of her head. This feeling was very romantic, as if two people were in love, it was indescribably warm and sweet.

When she first sat down, she didn't feel much except her buttocks were a little tight, but when she got out of the city, when the road was bumpy, Lu Sihui felt so uncomfortable that her flesh was about to be broken.

"Stop, I won't sit down."

He raised his hand to pat Zixu's big hand, but he didn't say a word, his chin rested on top of her head, feeling very happy.

When Lu Sihui was in a hurry, she rang the bell of the bicycle, ringing, ringing, ringing. The ringing of the new car was very clear and pleasant.


With his feet on the ground, Zhou Zixu remembered an important matter.

"Just remembered? The car is lost, and you, the deputy leader, have not been paid."

Lu Sihui jumped out of the car, glared at him angrily, turned and walked back.

"Didn't I want to finally have a chance to be romantic with you?"

Zhou Zixu pushed his bicycle to catch up effortlessly, and he didn't regret it at all, and even kind of missed the feeling that the beauty was in his arms just now.

No wonder people like to ride bicycles when they are in love!It's really interesting and can enhance the relationship.

"It's still romantic! My flesh hurts."

When I rushed back to the city, I saw that the jeep was still in place, so I was relieved.

"Is the old lady who was murdered dead?"

When Zhou Zixu was loading things into the car, he suddenly asked, he just sent the robber to the police station, and he hasn't seen the victim yet!

"Do you know who died?"

Lu Sihui raised her eyes and glanced at him, deliberately putting off a trick.

"Who? Do I know him?"

Zhou Zixu turned his face to look at her, and threw the last bag of cotton into the car, which was not easy to get.

"Zhou Zheng's mother."

Lu Sihui said indifferently, she felt that it was a good thing for such a person to die.

"Ha, did Zhao Yuying take her away?"

Zhou Zixu was amused when he heard it, the death of that old lady must be considered retribution!Forgive him for thinking so unkindly.

"Maybe! She went to Zhao's house yesterday to make a fuss! I don't want to leave my granddaughter behind. The number one said that the child was about to be abused to death. When I took a bath, I found injuries all over my body. The more serious the more invisible parts .”

Lu Sihui's eyes were icy when she said that, she remembered that when the original owner was tortured by his stepmother and mother-in-law Zhao Cuihua, it was so miserable.

"Sihui, let's go deliver the car to Jin Chen, he's at the police station, do you know who I reported this case to?"

Zhou Zixu regretted it a little now. If he had known about it, he would have reported the case to another person and asked Jin Chen to handle the old woman's case. Otherwise, Zhou Zheng's elder brother would beat him up.

"You won't find Jin Chen, will you? He's getting married soon, why are you still making trouble for him?"

Lu Sihui glared at Zixu, is there such a thing as defrauding a friend?

"Didn't I think this was a good opportunity? If the suspects were caught, the case would be solved naturally. I thought I was helping him, but ended up trapping him."

"But it doesn't matter. I'll let him avoid it. If there is a relationship, he should be allowed to avoid it."

Zhou Zixu got on his bicycle and left, Lu Sihui got on the car and started the engine, followed behind him worriedly, suddenly found that Zixu looked very handsome on a bicycle
(End of this chapter)

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