Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1347 She wants to clean up

Chapter 1347 She wants to clean up
When they arrived at the police station, they found that the two of them were still a step late. Zhou Zheng's brother was making trouble with Zhao Jinchen; manage."

Zhao Jinchen stared at him coldly, the new and old hatred in his heart made him really want to kick this person out.

"The police are handling the case, it's not your turn to dictate, go out."

Shout out to drive him away, Brother Zhou Zheng has the airs of a captain when he is the captain, originally he wanted to give Zhao Jinchen a blow and deal him a good meal, if not, he can sue him so that he can't even stay in the police station, fire him, get out Return to the countryside to farm.

Unexpectedly, he drove him away unceremoniously, his tone seemed to be chasing a dog, his face flushed suddenly, and he pointed at Zhao Jinchen with a sneer threat.

"Okay, I'll go to your director and peel off your skin to see how long you can be arrogant?"

After he finished speaking, he turned around and left, bumping headfirst into Zhou Zixu's body. It felt as if he had bumped into a rock. He frowned and covered his head, cursing dissatisfiedly, "Who is blind? Can't you see anyone here?"

Zhou Zixu raised his eyebrows recklessly, exuding hostility all over his body; "Who is it? A dog can't spit out ivory, and its mouth is full of dung."

Zhou Zheng's elder brother stared angrily, how dare he scold him?

Just about to curse back, when he saw clearly that Zhou Zixu was in front of him, he was too scared to fart.

He knows this person, and it's harmless to look at him with a smile, but if you mess with him, don't expect to have a good life.

He was the one who settled the matter with his younger brother last time. Obviously Zhao Jinchen beat Zhou Zheng up, but he made Zhou Zheng lose his job. Zhao Jinchen continued to be promoted in the unit without any damage.

After that, his work was also hindered, and he realized that Zhou Zisong and Zhou Zixu were people who could not be offended.

With this foresight, when he saw clearly that the person in front of him was Zhou Zixu, he immediately put away his words of swearing, but he was subdued like this, and felt unwilling, so he held his breath, bowed his head and left with a flushed face.

Lu Sihui narrowed her eyes and stared at him, how dare she call Zixu blind?Abusing a niece?Looking for Zhao Jinchen's fault?
There was a smirk on the corner of her mouth, she wanted to clean up
Seeing brother Zhou Zheng walking past him, stepping behind him, and seeing him walking towards the director's office, is this bad guy going to sue Zhao Jinchen?

He walked quickly to the bathroom, entered the bathroom and locked the door, went directly to the space capsule, and gave orders to the robot.

"Go to the director's office and ask Zhou Zheng's eldest brother."

After she gave the order, she glanced at the screen, Zhou Zheng looked like a villain, squinted her eyes and sneered, didn't she just become a small captain?
I just feel that the world can't let him go, without this position, how can he be crazy?
He went to the bathroom unhurriedly, left the bathroom, and strolled towards the door of the director's office.

In the office room, Brother Zhou Zheng was on airs and was responding to the director that Zhao Jinchen took revenge on his family and indulged the murderer.

"Director Li, we met each other during the meeting in the city. I want you to make the decision for me. You can't cover up the murderer because my mother was killed here because of my brother and his sister's divorce. The behavior of your police station can’t be indulged, right?”

Brother Zhou Zheng stared at the director after finishing speaking, as long as he thinks he is a person of status, the director should sell him some face.

Director Li handed him a cigarette and lit it for him himself, which made Zhou Zheng even more elated and proved that the director would give him face.

A flash of pride flashed in his eyes, Zhao Jinchen, I want you to go home and farm, and you will be a mud leg forever.

(End of this chapter)

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