Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1348 Is this marriage still going on?

Chapter 1348 Is this marriage still going on?
"Comrade Xiao Zhou, I also sympathize with your mother's murder, but you don't understand the work of the police station. You have to organize materials, collect evidence, and testimonies before you can report it. You are too anxious. Don't worry! The prisoners are caught Alright, after finishing the basic work in these two days, I will report to the procuratorate, and there will be no delay."

Director Li himself lit a cigarette and patiently explained the process to him. Zhao Jinchen was solid in handling the case and willing to work hard.

"You fart."

Brother Zhou Zheng suddenly threw a cigarette butt at Director Li's face. He jumped up from the chair, jumped onto the desk like a monkey, and stretched out his hand to pinch Director Li's neck.

"what are you doing?"

Director Li turned his head to avoid the smoke, but he didn't escape the attack of brother Zhou Zheng, who grabbed his neck.

This man seemed to be crazy, with a lot of strength in his hands. He tried hard to push Zhou Yong away, but his hands were like pliers, and he couldn't break them apart at all. He stared fiercely at his blood-red eyes, as if he wanted to eat him. humanlike.

As a last resort, he had to fight with him, the sound of ping-pong-pong fighting was heard in the room, the tables, chairs and benches were knocked down, and the two rolled together.

"Stop it, come on."

Lu Sihui took time to come over, pushed open the door and saw the two wrestling together, Zhou Yong was still pinching Director Li's neck, gnashing his teeth and not letting go.

She went over to break his hand and yelled loudly towards the door, soon some policemen heard the voice and ran in, seeing that someone was about to strangle the director, they naturally came to control Zhou Yong.

When they parted, Zhou Yong roared in annoyance, and the voice didn't seem like a human being.

He also bit the policeman who came to control him, and refused to let go of his bite. It was Lu Sihui who rushed up and hit him on the back of the neck, making him dizzy, and then controlled him.

The room was in chaos, the tables and benches were overturned, and there were two clear pinch marks on Director Li's neck. The charge of assault cannot be escaped.

"Itchy, itchy to death."

As soon as the police handcuffed Zhou Yong, he opened his eyes and yelled loudly, scratching his body with his hands, in extreme pain.

The corners of Lu Sihui's mouth curled up, some of him felt guilty.

Walking out of the director's office, with Zhou Yong making such a fuss, who can believe his words?

Slandering Zhao Jinchen will naturally be fruitless.

"Zixu, let's go back first!"

Back at the criminal investigation department, seeing Zixu was still talking to Jin Chen, he walked over and called him with a smile.

"Wait a minute, Jin Chen, I'll give you the keys to this car. The bicycle is a wedding gift I bought for you. Don't refuse, or you won't be a good brother."

Zhou Zixu threw the bicycle keys on the table, stood up, tugged at his uniform, and planned to go home with Sihui.

Time is running out, and Aunt Su has to make quilts and mattresses quickly!I can't afford to delay.

"I don't want it. I still owe you so much money. What else do I want?"

Zhao Jinchen pushed back the car keys with a cold face. The bicycle is a big item, so what would he pay for such a heavy gift?

"If you don't want me to smash it."

Zhou Zixu rolled his eyes, and said sternly, don't ask for a gift, it's not giving face.

Looking at Zhao Jinchen with a smirk, he threatened.

"I'm still your matchmaker! If you dare not accept it, I won't give number one a holiday. Let's see how you get married?"

Zhao Jinchen looked at Zixu dumbfounded, can he still threaten like this?

"Jin Chen, take it! You need it."

It was rare for Lu Sihui to talk to Zhao Jinchen, and he looked at her a little flattered.

After sending the two of them away, he frowned, and Zhou Yong went to the director to sue himself, and he still doesn't know the result?

Annoyed, he thought, if he was fired, how could he give No. [-] happiness?Is this marriage still over?
(End of this chapter)

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