Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1349 A Blessing in Misfortune

Chapter 1349 A Blessing in Misfortune

Lit a cigarette, leaned his elbows on the window sill in the corridor, and watched Zixu's car go away. The brand new Feige bicycle was parked at the gate of the police station.

How should he repay this deep friendship?
Money is abundant and easy to repay, and favors are to be remembered for a lifetime.

Without Zixu and his wife, my father and mother, and myself, I couldn't even afford the medical expenses. At that time, there was really nothing to love, and life turned into darkness.

"Come on."

Old Wu's stern voice came from behind him, he didn't look back, anyone who could be scolded by him like this was a criminal, he has a good personality towards his colleagues!
"I'm going to kill him, kill him."

The voice of a man roaring, dare to shout and kill in the police station, who has such courage?

Zhao Jinchen turned his head with a cigarette in his mouth and took a look. When he saw clearly that the man in handcuffs was Zhou Yong, the cigarette fell from his mouth.

"Old Wu, what's going on?"

He stopped Lao Wu and asked, didn't Zhou Yong go to the director and sue him?Why was he arrested now?
"This man is crazy and almost strangled Director Li to death. I will send him to the detention center first, and immediately find a doctor to evaluate his mental state."

Old Wu replied with a sullen face, staring at Zhou Yong with sharp eyes, afraid that he would run away if he didn't see him at a glance.

When he was going down the stairs, he still wanted to roll down, but if he hadn't caught him quickly, he would have been bruised and swollen.

"is it?"

Astonishment flashed across Zhao Jinchen's eyes, and he was still aggressive when he left. What happened in this short period of time?
"It's itchy, you bastards, I'm going to kill you."

Zhou Yong was shaking all over his body, scratching here and there with his handcuffed hands, which made him feel very uncomfortable.

"It seems really crazy."

Seeing his dancing and savage face, Zhao Jinchen made a judgment.

"Isn't it? When I was caught, I said it was itchy. I think it's just pretending."

Lao Wu pushed Zhou Yong away and contacted the doctor, waiting for the examination!

An hour later, a doctor from the psychiatric hospital came and examined Zhou Yong's mental state in detail. He judged that Zhou Yong was in the early stage of mental illness, or violent, which was very dangerous and he had to be admitted to the hospital immediately.

Naturally, Zhao Jinchen would not be investigated because of a mentally ill nonsense. The case of Zhou Zheng's mother was successfully completed. The director said that he handled the case meticulously and showed no favoritism.

As for Zhou Yong, he had just been promoted to the director, which was a good position, because he was found to be mentally ill, so the position was changed.

When he recovered, he changed from a beautiful director to a worthless little white man. He was assigned the position of a guard, and no one in the unit dared to approach him.

Falling from the sky to the ground, Zhou Yong was aggrieved and suffered from depression, and he would smash things at home. Seeing this situation, the daughter-in-law took the child back to her mother's house.

After applying for a divorce to the court, the Zhou family was completely ruined and got the reward of the present world.

Zhao Jinchen didn't agree to hold the wedding at the Falcon unit, not for any other reason, because he was afraid of being sued by thoughtful villains.

Besides, he is the eldest son and grandson of the Zhao family, so the marriage will naturally be held in the village.

In order to save the cost of the wedding, he went down the mountain every night to make traps, and hung traps in the river. When he caught fish and wild game, Zhou Guifang sold them in the city.

After No. [-] found out, he took out all his savings and asked Jin Chen to use it to prepare for the wedding.

Zhao Jinchen, who wanted to save face, refused to agree, so he looked a little trance during the training of No. [-].

This was discovered by Lu Sihui, who dragged her after the training and asked, "Number one, you're going to be a bride, why are you still in a trance? Is there a problem that you can't solve?"

(End of this chapter)

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