Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1353 One way into the mountain

Chapter 1353 All the way into the mountains

Get out of the car, lock the door, and walk into the yard. A group of children gathered around the bicycle and rang the bell strangely. Zhou Zixu came in, and the children dispersed.

Opening the door and entering the house, I saw Zhou Guifang cooking dinner. The food was very simple, big pancakes, sauerkraut soup, nothing oily, and the good things were reserved for my son to eat when he got married.

"Auntie, is Jin Chen there?"

Zhou Zixu stood at the door and asked, because Zhou Guifang was cooking, the outside kitchen was so foggy that no one could see clearly.

The Zhao family was a bit down, and had to go down a step. Zhou Zixu, who was standing at the door, felt condescending.

"Zixu is here, come in and sit down quickly. Jin Chen has gone into the mountains and will be back in a while."

Seeing that it was Zhou Zixu, Zhou Guifang enthusiastically let him into the room.

Hearing the voice, Zhao Yaozu also came out of the east room, and greeted Zhou Zixu with a smile; "Zixu is here, old woman, fry some eggs, Zixu and I will have a drink."

Looking back, I told Zhou Guifang that in Zhao Yaozu's eyes, Zixu was the nobleman of the Zhao family.

"Uncle, I'm going to the mountains to find Jin Chen."

Zhou Zixu didn't go into the house, but smiled and said something to Zhao Yaozu, he came to accompany Jin Chen to go hunting in the mountains, and it's better to get another wild boar, so that there are all hard vegetables for the wedding.

"Don't go, the mountain is so big, where are you going to find him?"

Zhao Yaozu came out to meet him and stop him, don't the people from the mountain feel bad about entering the mountain?These city people don't understand the dangers in the mountains, so he is worried.

"Don't worry, I have a way to find him."

Zixu smiled and left without saying anything more.

"Hey, our Zhao family owes Zixu and Sihui, so it's not enough."

Zhao Yaozu sighed, and whispered to the old woman.

"I went to the cellar to take out the pheasant. The distinguished guest is here. Why can't I just eat the eggs?"

Zhou Guifang is a woman, and she wants to treat Zhou Zixu well, which is to repay her kindness.

"Okay, you can do it! Xiaoying is in the room by herself! I have to watch her study."

Zhao Yuying's daughter, now named Xiaoying, changed her surname to Zhao, and severed ties with the ruthless Zhou family.

Yihao and Zhao Jinchen were very kind to the child. They found a first-grade book, and every night Zhao Jinchen came back to teach the child.

Zhao Yaozu usually watched her complete the homework left by Jin Chen. The old couple doubled their love for their daughter and made up for their guilt towards their granddaughter. Xiaoying gradually adapted to life in her grandmother's house.

Zhou Zixu went all the way into the mountain and walked up the stone steps, thinking about where to find Jin Chen.

Lu Sihui, her sister-in-law and Aunt Su are busy making quilts. I don't know, I thought someone in her family was getting married!

Swift and Dongsheng were sitting on the sidelines watching the excitement, and Little Swift was wearing the red dress her mother bought for her.

The little guy was naughty, just as Aunt Su put the stretched quilt cover on the white cotton cloth, she secretly pulled the cotton down there.

"Swift, don't make trouble."

Lu Sihui took the brocade quilt from the side, saw her daughter's actions, and pushed her aside with a smile.

"Go and do homework with my brother."

Pushing Swift away, she took the brocade quilt and flung it on the quilt cover. The bright red quilt shone brightly under the light, and the dragon and phoenix on the quilt seemed to be alive and vivid.

"Sihui, do you need to give such generous gifts? Now you and Zixu are young and don't need to save money. Jianguo will be seventeen or eighteen years old in a blink of an eye. Studying and marrying a wife are all money, so your hands should not be too big."

Aunt Su persuaded Lu Sihui while sewing the quilt.

"I see, why hasn't Zixu come back?"

(End of this chapter)

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