Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1354 He is his lucky star

Chapter 1354 He is his lucky star

Lu Sihui hurriedly changed the topic and didn't want to continue the discussion. Money is easy to get.

She asked the robot to bring back two ginsengs, which cost hundreds of dollars in minutes.

So, she really didn't take money seriously.

"Aunt Su, I see, thank you for your kindness."

In order to prevent Aunt Su from continuing to ink, Lu Sihui agreed with a smile.

Li Yanhong glanced at Lu Sihui, didn't say a word, and lowered her head to sew the mattress. She also felt that Sihui and Zixu were too generous.

She can't afford to pay less with the gift, it's more than 100 yuan!Very distressed.

Two hours later, the last set of bedding was finally ready, Lu Sihui looked at her watch, it was almost eight o'clock, and Zixu hadn't come back yet, so she was somewhat worried.

"Sihui, go to rest early! Zixu is capable, what else can he do?"

Li Yanhong was very tired. She was also pregnant. She bent over to sew a mattress. After two hours of sewing, her waist almost broke.

Seeing Sihui standing by the window watching, she went over to persuade her.

"I know, I just can't see him, I can't sleep."

Lu Sihui nodded in agreement, looking at the black sky, streaks of lightning flashed across, is it going to rain?
I don't know if Zixu is going back. It's dangerous to stay in the mountains in this weather.

"You, those who didn't know thought you and Zixu just got married! It's okay to be tired."

Li Yanhong opened her mouth with some jealousy, just talking!The door opened, and Zhou Zisong walked in with steady steps.

Li Yanhong's eyes lit up immediately, and she greeted her with a smile: "You're back?"

Bending down to help him get the slippers, Zhou Zisong grabbed him and said in a deep voice, "I'll get them myself."

Li Yanhong straightened up in disappointment, and stood aside watching him change his shoes.

Lu Sihui smiled and shook her head, and said that she and Zixu were tired of each other!
"Brother, come back so late!"

Lu Sihui greeted her with a smile. She has lived under the same roof for a year, so she speaks more naturally.

"Well, the unit is busy with training."

Zhou Zisong glanced at her, and replied indifferently, he didn't see Zixu's car when he came back, and he was busy at work, too!
Li Yanhong followed Zhou Zisong back to the house, and only Lu Sihui and Aunt Su were left in the living room. The two children went to bed early upstairs, and Mr. Zhou also went to bed early these two days. He went back to his room to rest at a little after seven o'clock.

"Sihui, go back to your room and sleep! Zixu will be back in a while."

Aunt Su is busy tidying up the bedding, waiting for the dowry on the wedding day on the [-]st.

"it is good."

Lu Sihui frowned, turned and went upstairs, because she was worried about Zixu, she locked the door behind her when she entered her room.

Enter the space capsule and order the robot to call up the image of the inner mountain in the backer for her.

The black mountain gives people a depressing and terrifying feeling.

Generally, even the most courageous hunters are unwilling to enter the mountain in such weather.

Lu Sihui frowned and looked at the screen. Two red dots were walking in the mountains. She asked the robot to make the image clearer.

She was relieved when she saw clearly that it was Zhou Zixu and Zhao Jinchen.

My heart relaxed, and my eyelids became heavy. After a simple wash, I lay down on the couch and fell asleep.

Relying on the inner mountain, Zhou Zixu and Zhao Jinchen worked together and caught a wild boar. The two brothers tied up the four hooves of the wild boar and carried it down the mountain.

"Zixu, thank you."

Zhao Jinchen was rarely happy. With this wild boar, his urgent needs were solved.

I have been walking in the mountains for the past two days, but I haven't found any wild boars. It's really lucky that Zixu caught one when he came.

I feel that Zixu is his lucky star.

"Haha, don't be in a hurry to thank me, go down the mountain and go ahead."

(End of this chapter)

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