Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1355 Good news of pregnancy

Chapter 1355 Good news of pregnancy
Zhou Zixu kicked Zhao Jinchen with a smile, he would be tired walking ahead.

The two brothers transported the wild boar down the mountain together, but they were also very tired, and their clothes were soaked in sweat.

Back in the yard, throwing the wild boar on the ground, Zhao Jinchen went into the house and fetched a basin of clean water, and asked Zhou Zixu to wash first. This kid has a lot to do.

"It's all sweat."

Zhou Zixu took off his coat, only wearing a vest, and the cold well water splashed on his body.

"It smells so good!"

Zhou Zixu sniffed, smelling the smell of stewed meat, his stomach growled.

"My mother stewed pheasant and mountain mushrooms for you, can it not be delicious?"

Zhao Jinchen was overjoyed, Zhou Zixu's nose has always been so sensitive.

Roll up your trouser legs, go into the yard to pick cucumbers and persimmons, soak them in cold water for a while, and eat them after drinking.

"Auntie is really particular."

Zhou Zixu wiped the water off his face with a smile. He remembered that when he first came here, his aunt said he would cook chicken for him.

In the end, he refused to stay for dinner because of his little cleanliness, which was really hypocritical at that time.

Later, when he met Sihui, all his problems were corrected. Now he has nothing to eat.

Scoop water from the river, pick it up and drink it.

"Come on, enter the house, my dad has prepared all the wine."

Zhao Jinchen patted his strong arm, he had more muscle mass than himself, obviously he trained harder than himself.

In the past, I always thought that Zixu was too young, like a nobleman, but in fact, he slapped everyone in the face.

"Zixu, take your seat quickly."

Zhao Yaozu gave up the position of master to Zhou Zixu. On the small table beside him, Xiaoying was holding a chicken wing and eating it with steamed buns.

Zhou Zixu frowned when he saw it. He was about the same age as his daughter, but this child seemed so inferior and gloomy, he didn't dare to look at strangers, let alone talk much.

"Uncle, let the child eat at the table! It looks like you're being pissed off!"

"She's scared."

Zhao Yaozu sighed, the biggest mistake he made in his life was to spoil Yuying and send the child back to Zhou's family.

Looking at the child's current appearance, his heart was like a knife.

"Xiaoying, go to the table to eat."

He softened his voice and called Xiaoying, but the child curled up like a frightened bird, not daring to look at them.

"no way."

Sigh, it will take a while to recover.

"Uncle, Zhou Zheng's mother was killed, and his eldest brother got mentally ill. The Zhou family's retribution has come."

Zhou Zixu gritted his teeth, thinking of the current situation of Zhou Zheng's family, and speaking out, let Zhao Yaozu and Zhou Guifang have a good time.

"So what if I get retribution? Yuying can't live anymore. I don't have any thoughts now. I just hope that Jinchen will marry a wife. Our Zhao family can slowly recover. If Xiaoying is sent to university, my wish is enough."

Zhao Yaozu sighed, glanced at his silent son, and whispered what was on his mind.

"Yes, don't worry, uncle, let's drink"

Zhou Zixu raised his wine glass, changed the subject, and exchanged glasses with Zhao Yaozu. After a while, the bottle of wine was gone.

"Zixu, stop drinking, you have to drive!"

Zhao Jinchen stopped him. Although Zixu claimed that he would never get drunk after a thousand cups, he was worried.

"Okay, after drinking the wine in the glass, I have to go back, Sihui is pregnant, I am worried."

Zhou Zixu raised his glass and proudly announced the good news of Sihui's pregnancy.

"Sihui is pregnant? That's great."

Zhou Guifang accepted the words happily, that the child finally came to the end of all hardships, and she hoped that Sihui would give birth to a son in this child.

After all, the status of the Zhou family is there, and the daughter is a daughter, so I am afraid that the old man of the Zhou family will be unhappy.

"Jin Chen, where do you plan to pick up the bride, the work unit, or the guest house? It's really not possible, and there is my bungalow."

(End of this chapter)

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