Chapter 1356 A Long Sigh

Zhou Zixu looked at Zhao Jinchen, and asked him with a smile, there are still three days to go, the emperor is not in a hurry, but the eunuch is in a hurry, does he think Zhao Jinchen is too sure?
"I don't want to go to Falcon. If not, go to the guest house! Ye Wenqian said she had telegraphed her elder brother, so I don't know if I can come?"

Zhao Jinchen frowned thickly, getting married is too troublesome, it's better for the two of them to register and move in together.

These seven aunts and eight aunts, in and out of the village, work units, and police stations, counted the number of people to be invited.

It made him upset and dizzy.

"It costs money to go to the guest house. It's summer now, and my bungalow is also empty. Let's consider it as Ye Wenqian's natal family. When the time comes, the unit will give you a few cars. Why don't you let you get married in a beautiful way? Leave it to me gone."

Zhou Zixu smiled and patted Zhao Jinchen on the shoulder, thinking that when he got married, he was not so worried!
"Okay! Thank you Zixu, I will report back later."

Zhao Jinchen looked at him with deep eyes, and realized that the favor he owed him would last forever.

"Then it's settled, wild boar, you can find someone to clean it up tomorrow! I'll go home first, and I won't have anything to do at work tomorrow, so I'll come over to help you clean it up. By the way, Mr. Wang from the cooking class is good at cooking. I'll ask him to come over and help. If you find a few neat people in the village, the banquet on the wedding day will basically be busy."

Before leaving, Zhou Zixu was still worried about the banquet, Zhao Jinchen's voice was rolling vigorously, not knowing what to say, to express his gratitude.

After seeing off Zixu, Zhao Jinchen lit a cigarette in the yard, looked up at the black starry sky, and sighed deeply.

It was getting married and he wasn't even ready yet.

When Zhou Zixu returned home, it was already past ten o'clock in the middle of the night. He parked the car, glanced at his watch, lit a cigarette, and hung his arm out of the car window. After flicking the cigarette butt, exhaling the last puff of smoke, he got out of the car and locked the door.

With long straight legs, he walked towards the house.

In a two-story building, all the windows are dark, Sihui must have slept, and she will go to the study tonight.

In the early morning, at five o'clock, Zhou Zixu woke up on time, turned over and sat up, washed himself quickly, and made himself refreshed before going upstairs whistling.

"Zixu, did you sleep in the study last night?"

Just as Aunt Su got up, she yawned and walked out of the house. When she saw Zhou Zixu going upstairs, she asked a distressed question.

"Well, I came back too late last night."

Zhou Zixu smiled and nodded, without stopping, he ran to the second floor after taking a few steps.

When he came to the door of his room, he slowed down, pushed the door lightly, and found that it was not plugged in at all.

The corners of her mouth raised in joy, Sihui is keeping the door open for him!If I had known, I would have gone back to sleep last night.

Pushing open the door, I saw that the mosquito net had been put down, and Ying Ying Zhuo Zhuo inside was lying and sleeping alone. She closed the door carefully and walked over with light steps.

Lifting the mosquito net, I looked at Sihui who was sleeping soundly inside. She was sleeping, sweet and lovely, I really wanted to hug her and take a look.

Lu Sihui suddenly opened her bright black eyes, and looked at Zhou Zixu with a mischievous smile.

"Peeping? Huh?"

With a low voice, an intentionally elongated ending, and an indescribable charm, Zhou Zixu smiled even more intensely, sat down on the side of the couch, took Sihui's hand, and put it on his mouth to bite it lightly.

With radiant eyes, she looked at the Sleeping Beauty on the couch with a smile, and her magnetic voice carried a trace of charm.

"Wake up and still pretend to be asleep?"

(End of this chapter)

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