Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1362 Big brother and sister-in-law are greedy

Chapter 1362 Big brother and sister-in-law are greedy
No. 100 closed his eyes and let out a long sigh, took out the handkerchief bag from his pocket, opened it, checked [-] yuan and handed it over.

"Brother, sister-in-law, that's all I have."

Her voice was tired, and Ye Nanshan frowned as she handed over the money. Obviously, he disliked Shao Shao.

"No. [-], don't give it away. Your brother and sister-in-law have arms and legs, so why ask you for money?"

Huang Yaomei was also unpopular at home, and her parents valued sons over daughters. Therefore, she was very angry when she saw the shameless face of No. [-] brother-in-law and felt the same. She hoped that No. [-] would not spoil them.

"If you dislike less, forget it."

No. [-]'s eyes flickered, Jinchen's family still had foreign debts, and the eldest brother and sister-in-law were greedy, so she didn't want to give this money!
"A lot, it's my sister's wish."

Seeing that she had the idea of ​​taking back the money, her sister-in-law hurried over to snatch the money, she couldn't come empty-handed, could she?
"Well, sister, the fare for me and your elder brother."

Lu Sihui's eyes widened from anger, she really wanted to slap half a brick in her hand on the head of her sister-in-law, how can there be such a shameless person?
"Here, 20 yuan, enough!"

Number one took a deep breath, she wanted to get married smoothly, so with this little money, let's treat it as spending money to buy something she wants!
Her sister-in-law was obviously dissatisfied, she still whispered the ink when she took it, complaining in her heart to her sister-in-law, squeezing it out like toothpaste, can't it be better?
"There is still money for food and drink! The things on the train are so precious."

"Enough, shut up, say one more word, I'll smash your bones."

Lu Sihui couldn't bear it anymore, her eyes were stern and cold, and she stared directly at this shameless couple. She was not a threat, if it wasn't for the wedding on the [-]st, she would really be able to pick them up and throw them out.

"Daughter-in-law, stop talking, this lesbian has a bad temper."

Ye Nanshan acted according to the wind, and that's all he could squeeze out. Don't be self-defeating, the money is gone.

"Sister-in-law, let's wash and dress up No. [-], and the car to pick up the bride will come soon."

Lu Sihui took a few deep breaths in a row before suppressing her anger, and called Li Yanhong, and the two of them dressed No. 1 together.

Huang Yaomei went out to pick up a broom and rubbed it, trying to sweep up the bricks on the ground.

"Let the two of them tidy up, and the married girl doesn't help at all, and they don't pay a penny, and they earn 120 yuan."

Lu Sihui gave orders to Huang Yaomei, her icy eyes hid anger and shot at the couple who were secretly happy with the money.

"Okay, let's clean up."

Being stared at by Lu Sihui made her whole body feel cold, sister-in-law No. [-] honestly took the broom, now that she has the money, what's the point of doing some work?
Tears were in No. [-]'s eyes, even though she was born with a cold heart, she felt uncomfortable when she met such a sister-in-law.

"Wash your face and I'll comb your hair."

Lu Sihui frowned slightly, and gave her an order.

Don't affect the mood of being a bride because of those two things that are not human.

"Sister, my sister-in-law will show you face, it's auspicious to get married!"

Sister-in-law No. [-], with a smiling face, came over to please No. [-].

Thinking about how to squeeze money out of her hands in the future, let's build a good relationship first.

On the first day, she didn't even look at her, and followed Lu Sihui to the outer room to wash her face. When she was holding the soap, she wept, and the soap in her hand fell into the basin.

"Don't cry, the golden bumps can't fall in my house, but in Jin Chen's house, so that your family's life will be better and better."

Lu Sihui teased her with a smile, and laughed through tears on the [-]st, looked at Sihui gratefully, and whispered to her: "Sihui, thank you."

"Okay, thank you? Jin Chen is coming soon, don't let him see you cry."

Lu Sihui smiled and picked out the soap from the basin and handed it to her.

"I don't know if my brother and sister-in-law will make things difficult for Jin Chen again?"

(End of this chapter)

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