Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1363 Silent Threat

Chapter 1363 Silent Threat

No. [-] whispered worriedly, Jin Chen's character, if his elder brother and sister-in-law really make things difficult for him, it will make him unable to step down.
It was not easy for her to get to this point with Jin Chen, and she didn't get to the door and got mixed up by her brother and sister-in-law.

"It's okay, I'm watching!"

Lu Sihui's eyes turned cold. If necessary, she would ask the robot to give the two people some dumb medicine to see how they talk.

On the [-]st, after washing her face and sitting in front of the dressing table, her sister-in-law wanted to brush her face and hair, saying that she is a life-long person, (the parents are still alive, and the children are complete) auspicious.

As long as there is no harm to No. [-], Lu Sihui doesn't bother to care about it. She sits on the sofa, takes out the dagger from her waist, and throws it in her hand for fun.

Staring at the elder brother number one, he didn't dare to move, didn't dare to look at Lu Sihui directly, so he stared out of the corner of his eye, and whenever Lu Sihui came, he would hide behind his sister.

Huang Yaomei looked at her in admiration, the vice-captain's hands were so handsome, and she threatened silently.

Brother No. [-] was sweating on his forehead, and looked extremely nervous.

On the [-]st, when the tidying up was almost done, her sister-in-law began to comb her hair again, muttering: "A comb will make you grow old."

Anyway, they were all auspicious words, Lu Sihui looked at her bored, fortunately she didn't do that when she got married, otherwise she would be so annoying.

"Put on a new uniform!"

Washed face, combed hair, still wearing old clothes, of course not.

In fact, the eldest brother and sister-in-law on the [-]st have delayed the matter, otherwise, they would have cleaned up and waited to pick them up.

"beep beep"

There was a horn sound outside the door, and the groom official came to pick up the bride.

"Yaomei, go out and set off firecrackers."

Seeing Lu Sihui, she hurriedly told Huang Yaomei to go out, and she took No. [-] to change clothes.

Number one's brother and sister-in-law were really honest this time, and the sister-in-law wanted to stab her, and her brother whispered about Lu Sihui throwing the dagger, so she stopped eating and didn't dare to get angry again.

Outside the door, Zhao Jinchen got off the front car, looked at the bungalow in front of him, and remembered what his sister had done to Zixu's house, and sighed, Zixu was willing to treat him like this, and he was magnanimous enough.

Zhou Zixu got out of the car and looked at his bungalow. It's better to stay in his own bungalow. Someday he and Sihui will come back and stay for a few days.

Seeing Huang Yaomei coming out with cigarettes and firecrackers, Zhang Changshui looked at her foolishly and smiled. He walked over and kicked Zhang Changshui's ass.

"Yaomei set off firecrackers, go help."

Zhang Changshui flicked his ass and complained to Zhou Zixu in embarrassment: "Deputy Minister, let's discuss it, don't kick my ass in front of Yaomei, it's embarrassing."

"Hey, okay."

Zhou Zixu sneered, raised his hand and slapped Zhang Changshui on the back of the head.

He was tall and burly, with long arms, Zhang Changshui didn't dodge it, pouted in frustration.

Zhou Zixu raised his chin at Huang Yaomei: "Hurry up and show your courtesy. When the firecrackers are lit, it will be useless for you to go there."


Seeing that Huang Yaomei was about to light firecrackers, Zhang Changshui hurriedly ran over.

"Give it to me! Don't jump you over."

"Tsk, my teeth are sore."

Zhou Zixu squinted at Zhang Changshui smiling flatteringly at Huang Yaomei, covered his cheeks, and clicked his tongue.

"You, stop teasing him."

Zhao Jinchen was quite nervous at first, but was amused by Zhou Zixu.


The firecrackers sounded, and Zhou Zixu put his hands around his mouth and shouted loudly into the courtyard; "We are here to pick up the bride."

Lu Sihui in the room is helping No. [-] put on new clothes!Hearing Zixu yelling outside, she rolled her eyes and thought angrily, can the groom official yell by himself?

(End of this chapter)

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