Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1366 The bride is beautiful

Chapter 1366 The bride is beautiful
When they came out of the house, there were a lot of onlookers around the door, and they all applauded when they found out that the bride was a Jagged member.

"The groom is handsome, the bride is beautiful, happy wedding."

Listening to the blessings of these strangers, No. [-]'s depressed mood because of the rogue face of his elder brother and sister-in-law became clear at the moment.

Leaning in Zhao Jinchen's arms, she still couldn't believe it, did she really marry him?Really in his arms?

Looking at him quietly, looking at him at a close distance, the resolute eyebrows and sharp eyes are the same as when I was in the inner mountain of Gushan.

The orange-red sun hung high in the blue sky, and the leisurely white clouds could not help but stop at this moment, looking at the happy couple on the ground.

"Hurry up and get in the car."

Zhou Zixu used the command ability of the deputy minister, waved to everyone, and ordered them to get on the bus.

The well-trained iron-blooded man, after hearing the instructions, naturally stopped laughing, got into the car in a good manner, and sat upright.

"Which car do we take?"

The eldest brother and sister-in-law of No. [-] are in a panic. They are already in the car, and they can't catch up even if they run?
"This is brother, sister-in-law, right? Get in this car."

Zhou Zixu didn't know what Ye Nanshan and his wife were doing. He was the leader of his work unit, so he still had to take care of the family members of the station friends.

Pull the third car for these two people personally, and drive the people in the car to the back car.

Seeing so many jeeps, Ye Nanshan gave Zhao Jinchen a higher opinion in his heart.

This brother-in-law is capable and seems to have a high position, otherwise why would there be so many cars?
Taking a look at Zhou Zixu, he looks really energetic, but the one who opened the door for them must be a petty official.

So, the two of them got into the car with their necks up and their faces arrogant, without even saying thank you.

Lu Sihui went over and kicked the car door shut, Zhou Zixu was stunned for a moment, why his wife's face was full of anger.

"I'm used to them."

Lu Sihui looked at Zixu distressedly, the chief minister, are you going to open the door for the two villains?What are these two people?How dare you show Zixu's face?

"Daughter-in-law, do you love me?"

Zhou Zixu raised his eyebrows and looked at his daughter-in-law, smiled and whispered in her ear, feeling very happy.

"Don't get used to these two people, it's not a thing."

When Lu Sihui saw Zixu's smile, the anger in her heart disappeared, and she told him in a low voice, but Zhou Zixu stopped her hand.

"Daughter-in-law, don't be angry, let's get in the car."

Ye Nanshan and his wife in the car were frightened by Lu Sihui. They lowered their heads and shrunk their necks, honestly not daring to stab them anymore.

The wedding car started, and instead of turning back, it drove towards Kaoshan Tunzheng Road.

Compared with the road when we came here, this road is much smoother, and the driving speed is naturally much faster.

It’s almost time to get busy, the new house is pasted with the words “Big Red Happiness”, and there are green onions tied with red strings in the Double Happiness washbasin, and eight steel springs are thrown in, and the bride will wash her hands after a while.

The Zhao family hadn't had a happy event for a long time. Zhao Yaozu was in high spirits every happy event. He was wearing a gray shirt, black pants, and white-edged loafers.

Zhou Guifang was also wearing new clothes from the bottom of the suitcase, a dark floral shirt, black pants, and newly made shoes. She combed her hair so that it was neatly pinned up with clips.

She mainly entertains female guests, and Zhao Yaozu greets men.

She went over to look at the food, and it was basically ready. The steamed buns with three pots and two noodles were steaming.

The meat and vegetables stewed in the big pot can smell the meat without even lifting the pot. The children in the village are squatting here and watching, waiting for the feast to begin!

"The bride is here, let's set off firecrackers."

(End of this chapter)

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