Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1367 Warm current flows in my heart

Chapter 1367 Warm current flows in my heart

The young man at the gate stood on the barn and stared at the entrance of the village. When he saw the dust rising, a row of jeeps drove into the entrance of the village, calling for the gunners to get ready.

Zhao Yaozu bought five thousand firecrackers for celebration.

Hang it at the door, and set off firecrackers as soon as the couple get off the car.

The jeep soon drove to the door of Zhao's house, and the person who lit the cannon hurriedly blew out the red cigarette butt, picked up the twister of the firecracker, and stared into the car.

The door opened, the bride got out of the car, and the firecrackers were lit here.


No. [-] and Zhao Jinchen didn't go in in a hurry, and waited until the firecrackers were almost over before running into the courtyard.

At this time, someone who had prepared in advance hit them with five-colored grains, which contained corn kernels, and it hurt if they were hit.

Zhao Jinchen hesitated, took off his clothes, covered No. [-] and ran towards the courtyard.

With this one movement, No. [-]'s heart seemed to be placed in a hot spring, and the warm current flowed in it.

"Thanks for your hard work."

Zhao Yaozu walked over to meet Zhou Zixu and Lu Sihui, and thanked them both.

"Uncle, it's almost here."

Zhou Zixu looked at the tables, chairs and benches in the yard. The dishes and chopsticks were all in order, and the food was just about to be served. There were already people sitting on the table, and everyone was gearing up, waiting for the table to start.

Today's meal is enough for the family. Send a washbasin to the family, and send a pair of pillow covers to the family. At this time, there are not four or five people in any family, or even more.

There was a special account writer at the door, and after seeing the things everyone sent, they were all toothless, and the Zhao family paid for it.

"It's almost there. After a while, Jin Chen and Wen Qian will have dinner after worshiping."

Zhao Yaozu rubbed his big hands, he was a little nervous when he became an old man for the first time.

"Haha, let's go into the house! Drink new daughter-in-law tea later."

Zhou Zixu was talking to Zhao Yaozu with a smile, while the No. [-] elder brother and sister-in-law stood in the crowd, looking at the groom's house, his expression darkened.

Thought my sister found a capable man, just this dirt house?To break the countryside, why not look for them in the countryside at home?
I was so flustered that I could ask for a bride price of at least 200 yuan in my hometown. This brother-in-law is so good that he won't give you a penny.

Bai gave his sister to them, feeling very unwilling.

"Master, why do you want some money?"

No. [-]'s sister-in-law didn't dare to stand out, so she poked her man.

"Do you still dare to ask for it? Didn't you see that lesbian staring at us? Be honest! If you make her anxious, do we still want to go back together?"

Brother No. [-] secretly glanced at Lu Sihui, seeing her staring at them coldly, thinking of the broken brick, he decided to be more honest.

"Let's go inside! I guess there are some red envelopes to get, so you can't be cheap for outsiders, right?"

Seeing that the man was useless, sister-in-law No. [-] knew it was over, and poked him into the house. Although the grasshopper was small, it was still meat.

"Family, we are Ye Wenqian's eldest brother and sister-in-law."

After entering the door, the two introduced themselves with straight faces in order to show their identities.

"His elder brother, his elder sister-in-law, hurry up and sit in the yard. The first row of tables is reserved for natal guests."

Zhou Guifang entertained them warmly, trying to give them the main seat.

"Wait a minute, is there a red envelope?"

Brother No. [-] stopped Zhou Guifang, and he didn't mind being ashamed, and directly raised the matter of the red envelope.

Zhou Guifang was taken aback for a moment, isn't this red envelope for them?

It was also because he was not thinking carefully, and let the two of them into the room with a smile.

At this time, Huang Yaomei was helping to light the lamps, Zhang Changshui was helping to hang the curtains, and Zhou Guifang arranged for someone to give red envelopes.

After the two of them finished their work, they took the red envelope and wanted to hand it over.

Brother No. [-] and sister-in-law hurriedly stopped, stretched out their hands, and grabbed the red envelope.

"give it to me!"

(End of this chapter)

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