Chapter 1368
Huang Yaomei and Zhang Changshui glanced at each other, shrugged, and didn't care at all, they were just trying to make fun of it.

"so little?"

No. [-] sister-in-law turned her back and was busy tearing open the red envelopes. When she saw that a red envelope was only two yuan, she yelled in dissatisfaction.

Clenching the bouquet tightly with both hands, he couldn't suppress the anger in his heart, brother and sister-in-law, at least they should save some face for her.

"This is for you."

Zhou Guifang secretly went to wrap two big bags worth ten yuan. After hearing the dissatisfied voice of sister-in-law No. [-], she rushed over and stuffed the two big bags into their hands.

You have to keep a smile on your face, who makes someone a natal guest?
"That's about the same. My sister has been raised for more than 20 years, and she just married into your family, so she can't be too stingy, right?"

No. [-] sister-in-law looked a little better after seeing the red envelope, but she was still talking about money.

"Shut up! Are you following your command?"

Lu Sihui stepped into the room and ordered her angrily.

Ye Nanshan secretly grabbed his daughter-in-law, so let's accept it!With this lesbian here today, don't even think about asking for more money.

"Dear family, sit outside!"

At this time, No. [-] and the others carried the four bunks and four covers made by Lu Sihui and Li Yanhong into the house.

When the number one eldest brother and sister-in-law saw each other, they immediately became angry and didn't even care about being afraid of Lu Sihui.

"Sister, the disaster at home asked you for some money, but you said you have no money, and you have been busy saving your dowry for a long time?"

Ye Nanshan's questioning made Qi's eyes turn red.

"Brother, these four shops, Sihui and Yanhong gave them to me, do you also choose?"

The voice of the first breath trembled. I regretted letting them come again.

"Don't be dazed, go to the courtyard and take a seat!"

Seeing this scene, Zhou Guifang hurried over to let the people into the courtyard, fearing that there would be a quarrel on this important day, and it would be embarrassing.

Zhou Zixu walked over, just now Sihui told him everything, it was all luck.

It's fine if sister-in-law No. [-] doesn't make trouble here, but if she wants to make trouble now, he squints his eyes and threatens the two of them.

"No matter how dishonest you are, believe it or not, I'll throw you out right now?"

His smile shone brightly, fascinated, his face was cold and sullen, very frightening.

No. [-] eldest brother and sister-in-law wandered out, this person can't be messed with, she just underestimated him.

Being stared at by him feels like your neck will be twisted at any time. It feels like Mount Tai is overwhelming and you can't breathe.

"Okay, groom, the bride will serve tea to parents."

Li Yanhong smiled and hugged her. The day of great joy must be consummated, and marriage is only once in a lifetime.

The dishes were prepared outside the house. The wild boar was torn apart and dipped in garlic, stewed pork with mushrooms, stewed fish with vermicelli, fried fungus with meat, fried pork with hot pepper, and a large bowl of cold dishes.

Six dishes, only one is a vegetarian dish, the noodles are too oily, and the villagers don't want to think about anything. The bridegroom and the bride will look at it later, and first pull the shelf and prepare to grab the meat.

In the room, Zhao Yaozu and Zhou Guifang sat on the chairs excitedly, Zhou Guifang didn't know where to put his hands because of nervousness.

"Wen Qian, I will wear flowers for your mother-in-law later."

Li Yanhong took the flowers from the woman next to her, handed them to No. [-], and told her what to do in a low voice.

There is no such thing when I am married to Sihui, because I don't have a mother-in-law. To be honest, number one is very blessed, and I have both parents-in-law.


Number one put flowers on Zhou Guifang with a blushing face, and shouted shyly.

"Hey, good, here is the red envelope."

Zhou Guifang was so excited that she almost cried, she took out a red envelope from her pocket and handed it over.

No. [-] eldest brother and sister-in-law stared at the red envelope.

(End of this chapter)

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