Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1372 Don't Be Happy Too Early

Chapter 1372 Don't Be Happy Too Early

How could Ye Nanshan dare to be picky about the food at this moment, he picked up the chopsticks honestly, but secretly looked at his sister and brother-in-law, why should he toast to his elder brother?
No. [-] pretended not to see the expectant eyes of the elder brother, and after pulling Zhao Jinchen to toast the stationmates on the table and the colleagues at the police station, he dragged him away.
"Wen Qian, why don't you toast your elder brother?"

Zhao Jinchen didn't speak at that time, he walked two steps before asking her in a low voice.

"They don't deserve it."

No. [-] gritted his teeth and said, just now, the eldest brother made trouble, Zhao Jinchen didn't see it, but she saw it.

Fortunately, Zhou Zixu and his wife were there to help, otherwise she would be a joke for the backers when they got married today.

"Sihui, eat meat, you are pregnant, you should eat more meat."

At the table, Zhou Zixu greeted Lu Sihui, he was not in a hurry to eat, and kept serving his daughter-in-law.

Colleagues from Zhao Jinchen's work unit were also at this table. Ye Nanshan made trouble, was dragged away by Zhou Zixu, and came back wilted like an eggplant beaten by frost.

He knew in his heart that it was Zhou Zixu who took care of them, but he closed his eyes and pretended to be confused, who made these two people so annoying.

Ye Nanshan stared at the men in police uniforms, hesitating in his heart, should he sue Zhou Zixu against them?
He is going to kill himself, the police should take care of it!

"You are Jinchen's colleagues, right? My name is Zhou Zixu, and I am an old friend of Jinchen's station. It's a pleasure to meet you, and I'll do it first."

His eyeballs were chattering around, and Zhou Zixu understood what he was thinking, stood up, and toasted the policeman at the same table.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. I heard Jin Chen talk about you. He admired you very much. I heard that you are the deputy minister at a young age. You are so capable."

Several police officers hurriedly stood up, and when they heard that it was Zhou Zixu, they all looked at him with admiration.

Usually chatting in the unit, Zhao Jinchen is proud when talking about Zhou Zixu, Falcon is the pride of Northeast Jun District.

These people wanted to know Zhou Zixu for a long time, and these policemen secretly applauded his righteous behavior at the table just now.

Ye Nanshan watched Zhou Zixu talking and laughing happily with several policemen. He hated seeing each other so late, and he swallowed the words of complaint when he came to his lips.

According to the opinions of these policemen, he is still the leader, so he should not mess with him, otherwise he will not be able to go home.

Sitting on the stool dejectedly, not even daring to eat food, sitting on pins and needles, hoping that the banquet will end soon so as to stay away from this smiling tiger.

After eating a meal for two hours, the people in the village had already finished eating. Basically, the dishes were all served as soon as they were on the table. Add some cabbage and stew it, enough oil and water for the whole family to eat.

Zhao Cuihua and Sun Qiuju looked at Lu Sihui from a distance. She could sit on the main seat, accompanied by Zhao Yaozu himself. How much face would she have?

Wearing a uniform, she had a sharp look in her eyebrows and eyes, she was not something the two of them dared to provoke, after having a feast, she brought a piece of meat home with her, and she didn't dare to trouble Lu Sihui again.

After walking out the door, Sun Qiuju couldn't help but turn her head back, Lu Sihui's man is so handsome, he is a dazzling existence in the courtyard, how happy to be able to marry such a man.

After the banquet, Zhou Zixu was afraid that Sihui's back would hurt if she sat for a long time, so she didn't stay and make trouble in the bridal chamber, so she said goodbye to Zhao Jinchen.

"Jin Chen, I'll let you go, but don't be too happy, on the fifth they are already gearing up, you have to get ready for tonight's bridal chamber."

Zhou Zixu patted Zhao Jinchen on the shoulder with a smile, whispered to him with a smile, it is not so easy to sleep with his wife in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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