Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1373 The Defeated Rooster

Chapter 1373 The Defeated Rooster

Zhao Jinchen smiled rarely, and firmly held Zixu's big hand: "As long as you're not here, I'm not afraid of those brats."

"Haha, okay, I'll listen to their report tomorrow."

The two brothers were chatting and laughing, and the number one on the other side shook Lu Sihui's hand, and bid farewell to her with tears in his eyes, as if he was seeing off his natal guest.


It's almost time to leave, and No. [-]'s eldest brother and sister-in-law are still staying at Zhao's house.

Zhou Zixu squinted at him, he had already cleaned up what should be cleaned up, and left the rest to No. [-] himself.

After Zhou Zixu left, Ye Nanshan seemed to be resurrected from the Jedi. His arms were slumped before, like a defeated rooster, but now he stood up all over his body, and questioned Zhao Jinchen and No. [-] Xing team.

"Wen Qian, can you do it? The table is full of people, you are toasting, and you ignore me and your sister-in-law, what do you mean? Your sister-in-law and I have come to your wedding from thousands of miles away, is this how you treat us?"

Ye Nanshan's voice was very loud. Anyway, the smiling tiger had left, and he was not afraid of the rest of the people, so he wanted to make a scene and vent his anger.

"Sister-in-law, you make me so sad. Parents left early, we came to see you off, and your waist was broken on the train. You just watched your friend bully us without saying a word, did you Deliberately humiliating us? If I had known you were like this, your elder brother and I would not have come!"

No. [-]'s sister-in-law also came to accuse No. [-] of being ruthless, Zhou Guifang and Zhao Yaozu rushed to persuade them.

"In-laws, there are too many people getting married, and Wen Qian can't take care of them. It's better not to pick on our family."

Although the guests had left, there were still old ladies helping in the yard, busy cleaning the tables, benches, washing dishes, and dishes. Hearing Ye Nanshan's words, they stopped their work and listened.

Zhao Jinchen's face turned red, but the uncle called Wen Qian by name, and it would be impolite for him to speak, so he could only endure it.

"Let's go! From now on, there will be no contact between life, old age, sickness and death. I don't have big brothers and sisters like you. If you make trouble again, don't blame my ruthless subordinates."

Number One finally couldn't take it anymore, and looked at his elder brother and sister-in-law angrily.

If they don't quarrel, don't make noise, can you treat them like that?It must be taken care of as honored guests, and they are the ones who are shameless.

Calling the banquet prepared by the Zhao family as pig food, scolding a table of distinguished guests, can anyone else be blamed for what they did?

"Nanshan, listen to what your sister is saying? I can't say it, but you want to come, throw the child home by yourself, how about it? It's hot when you come kicked out?"

Ye Nanshan's daughter-in-law started to cry loudly, and stood there stomping her feet, as if she had been greatly wronged.

"No. [-], please take the two of you to the station. There is still a train back to the south at night, so there is still time to go."

No. [-] didn't even look at the faces of these two people, and beckoned to No. [-], asking him to send them away.

"Wait, girl, what do you mean? It's time to kick it out? It's really heartless. Your sister-in-law and I didn't even eat a bite. You got a friend to stuff me in the house and almost drowned me. So To my dear brother, aren't you afraid of thunder?"

Ye Nanshan was in a hurry and was kicked out by his sister, but it was extremely humiliating, he pointed at No. [-] and cursed.

"Number five, do it."

No. [-]'s face was sinking like water, and he stared at the roaring elder brother and sister-in-law with cold eyes, as if looking at a stranger, clenched his fists and made a rattling sound.

Ye Nanshan saw that the girl was silent and her eyes were bloodthirsty, so she took a step back in fright and asked her nervously.

"What's wrong? Do you still want to beat your own brother?"

(End of this chapter)

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