Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1374 Do you want to go hunting in the mountains again?

Chapter 1374 Do you want to go hunting in the mountains again?

"Number Five, send them away."

No. [-] took a deep breath, looked at No. [-] and No. [-] who were standing aside in embarrassment, and his voice was as indifferent as ice.

Zhou Zixu didn't drive. He is now a deputy minister and has a special driver. After drinking, he sat on the back seat, holding his wife's little hand, closing his eyes and resting his mind.

"Drank too much?"

Knowing that he was not asleep, Lu Sihui asked with concern.

I "No, your man is not drunk after a thousand cups, just thinking that if we leave, will the couple continue to quarrel?"

Zhou Zixu opened his eyes and smiled charmingly at his daughter-in-law. He was really worried about Zhao Jinchen. A big brother like that, without him and Sihui, wouldn't he be able to jump up and make trouble?

"It's okay, the No. [-] character will not allow it."

Lu Sihui chuckled, thinking about the scene of Zhou Zixu cleaning up Ye Nanshan, it was so ruthless, it frightened that rascal to be honest.

Zhou Zixu looked out of the car window, the sun was shining brightly, the hot people couldn’t breathe, the car windows were all rolled down, but still felt hot, looking back at Sihui, she didn’t seem to be hot at all, her face remained the same, could it be because he drank alcohol ?

Changing to a comfortable sitting position, he put his arm on the back of the chair behind Sihui, looking like he was hugging his wife.

Lu Sihui glared at him, but didn't take his arm off. The driver looked at the front of the car expressionlessly, not looking in the rearview mirror at all.

Zhou Zixu smiled lightly at Sihui, and squeezed her hand lightly, causing Lu Sihui to stare at him again.

"No wonder I gave up the vacation on the [-]st to others. After becoming a team member, I basically didn't go home very much. It turned out that it was because of this superb brother and sister-in-law."

Zhou Zixu shrugged his shoulders, did his job honestly, smiled and looked sideways at his daughter-in-law, his bewitching face suddenly came alive.

"Well, let's not talk about them, Xiao Hao, stop the car."

Lu Sihui took care of the driver to stop the car, Zhou Zixu looked at her puzzled, did he want to go hunting in the mountains again?

Lu Sihui opened the door and got out of the car, rushed to the side of the road, squatted on the ground and vomited wildly.

Zhou Zixu panicked, hurriedly got out of the car, followed, patted her on the back, and asked her concerned.

"Why did you vomit? Did you eat something wrong? Go to the hospital for a checkup?"

"It's okay, maybe the child hates that couple, and it's disgusting to hear their names."

Lu Sihui vomited in the dark, she vomited twice during this pregnancy, this time it was more serious.

She blamed this on Ye Nanshan and his wife.

"Go check it out?"

Zhou Zixu was worried, how could he be disgusted when mentioning those two people?I'm afraid that Sihui will eat something bad, anyway, I just can't let go of my heart.

After all, Lu Sihui didn't turn him around, and was dragged to the hospital. After a checkup, it was nothing serious, just normal morning sickness.

On the way home, Zhou Zixu held his daughter-in-law's hand tightly, and found that it was a bit cold, so he unbuttoned his clothes distressedly, and put Sihui's hand into his clothes.

Let Lu Sihui earn, but he will not let go.

"Sihui, pregnancy is too painful, I will have a vasectomy tomorrow, and I won't have any more children."

Zhou Zixu said to his daughter-in-law with his lips, Lu Sihui stared at him with wide eyes, Zixu was so kind to her that he was willing to have a vasectomy for her?
"No, you can take birth control pills."

Lu Sihui also told him with her lips.

She has a space capsule, is it not easy to want to have children?
But Zhou Zixu's decision to feel sorry for her really moved her.

Zhou Zixu loves his daughter-in-law, how could he be willing to take medicine for her?What if it goes bad?

"Taking medicine is not good for your health. Don't worry about it. I've already decided."

Lu Sihui was silent for a moment, raised her head, and looked at him firmly.

"Zixu, let me tell you something when I go home."

(End of this chapter)

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