Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1375 What is there to hide from yourself?

Chapter 1375 What is there to hide from yourself?

"what's up?"

Zhou Zixu looked at Sihui with frowned eyebrows, little girl, is there still something to hide from him?

"Go home and tell you."

Lu Sihui pursed her lips and stopped talking.

She came from the end of the world, and she was originally a cold person who didn't believe in feelings and love at all.

It was Zixu who warmed her with his love when she first arrived in this strange world, making her a bit more human.

Now that the girl was born and his second child was in the belly, it was time to let him know his secret.

Zhou Zixu looked at his daughter-in-law in wonder, why was he so solemn?What can she hide from herself?

Or are you naughty with him, deliberately teasing him?
Soon, the car returned to the family building, and Zhou Zixu carefully supported Lu Sihui, as if she was a wounded person.

"I can do it myself."

Lu Sihui looked at him amusedly, but felt warm in her heart.

At the door of the house, Wang Mingyuan came again, and Yuyan watched the rabbits with him, the little girl smiled very happily.

Lu Sihui looked at her daughter gently, she had a happy childhood, unlike when she was always worried about being eaten by zombies.

Thinking about it now, I still have lingering fears. Where did I have the fun of childhood at that time?

"Mom, Dad."

When Yuyan heard the sound of closing the car door, she jumped up and ran over happily, trying to jump into her mother's arms, but Zhou Zixu stopped her.

"Yuyan, mother has a little brother and a little sister in her belly, don't mess around."

He hugged Swift and raised it high, the little girl was not afraid at all, she giggled, her crisp laughter was as sweet as a silver bell.

Wang Mingyuan stood up and looked at Zhou Zixu adoringly. In the future, he will also be as strong as Uncle Zhou and be able to lift up swifts.

Dong Sheng came out of the house. The little guy looked down on Wang Mingyuan and gave him a hard look when he went out. Then he ran down the steps and ran towards his second uncle and aunt.

"Second aunt, where's my mother?"

Dongsheng looked into the car and got anxious when he didn't see his mother.

"She took your father's car and said she wanted to go shopping in the city, and she will be back in a while."

Lu Sihui smiled and rubbed Dong Sheng's head, he was too clingy to Li Yanhong.


Dong Sheng lowered his head in disappointment. He was always scolded as a bastard for not having a mother in the past. After he had a mother, he cherished it very much. He was afraid that he would make his mother angry and abandon him.

"Come in!"

Zhou Zixu hugged his daughter with one arm, and walked into the house holding Sihui's hand. Sihui was not feeling well, so it's better to lie down and rest early.

"Uncle, when will you train me?"

Seeing that he was ignored by Hualili, Wang Mingyuan stepped forward to stop Zhou Zixu, raised his neck, looked at him with big black eyes and asked.

"Ha, my training is hard, can the little guy stand it?"

Zhou Zixu reached out and hooked the tip of his nose. He really liked this brat.

"I can bear it, Dad said, you are the best with comrades, let me train with you, grow up to be a general, and marry Swift."

Wang Mingyuan promised loudly with a solemn expression, and even put a top hat on Zhou Zixu. The last sentence was a highlight, which immediately amused Zhou Zixu.

"Little guy, you have a lot of ambition, and you still want to be a leader? And marry us Swift, who taught you?"

Zhou Zixu laughed loudly, and flicked Xiao Mingyuan's forehead. The hurt little guy took a deep breath, but he stubbornly didn't cry out for pain.

The big eyes, folded and shining in the sun, are as clear as the brightest crystal.

"My father said, I'm good enough that you can marry Swift to me."

The clear child's voice made Lu Sihui amused. This little guy treats her as her son-in-law, so why should he piss her off?

(End of this chapter)

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