Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1376 What secrets are you hiding from him?

Chapter 1376 What secrets are you hiding from him?
"Okay, let's go home and eat! I'll take you to the backyard for training at night."

Zhou Zixu looked at Xiao Mingyuan's earnest appearance, and agreed with a smile, but he had to wait until evening. At this moment, his wife had something to say to him.

He also wanted to know, what did the wife want to say to him?
What secret is it keeping from him?
"Okay, goodbye uncle, goodbye auntie cruel."

Xiao Mingyuan happily agreed, and left politely, but he might as well not talk to Lu Sihui, this cruel auntie made Zhou Zixu laugh loudly.

Lu Sihui's face darkened immediately with anger, why was she so cruel?
"Sihui, you have a good nickname."

Zhou Zixu hugged his daughter-in-law's waist with a smile, winked at her, and kept his arms around her. In case the daughter-in-law got angry, it was not impossible to clean up Xiao Mingyuan in the past according to her temper.


Lu Sihui narrowed her eyes and stared at Xiao Mingyuan, counting him walking fast, otherwise
Otherwise, adults can't bully children, and I feel very depressed.

"Mom, when the rabbits grow up, they are all given cabbage leaves by the little brother, otherwise they would all starve to death."

Swift looked at her mother, and pointed at the little rabbit like a treasure, the little guy was helping Xiao Mingyuan to speak!

"Don't we have cabbage leaves at home? Want him to send them?"

Lu Sihui glared at her daughter, always staring at that stinky boy, feeling frustrated.


Swift lowered her head aggrievedly and fiddled with her fingers. Mom has such a bad temper~
"Come on, why are you angry with the child?"

Zhou Zixu coaxed his daughter-in-law with a smile, and walked into the house with his arms around her.

"This brat? It's really annoying, and he has learned to call me nicknames."

Lu Sihui replied angrily, Dongsheng stood on the road and refused to enter the house, he wanted to wait for his mother to come back.

"Go into the house."

Zhou Zixu looked back and put his arms around his little head and let him into the room.

"Second uncle, you teach him not me."

Dong Sheng turned around, pouted, and looked at Zhou Zixu aggrievedly.


Zhou Zixu looked at him wonderingly, why did the little guy learn to be sentimental?

I always feel that Dongsheng is a bit like a little girl, without the energy of a boy.

"I want to learn too."

With his hands behind his back, Dong Sheng lowered his head and kicked the stones on the ground with his toes. The sound was like a mosquito, and he couldn't hear it clearly unless he was careful.

"Oh, you mean training, right? That's fine. If you're not afraid of hardship, you can go too."

Zhou Zixu's ears are excellent, so he naturally heard it. This time he understands what the little guy is struggling with?
"Dad, I'll go too."

Little Swift put her arms around her father's neck, kissed him on the cheek flatteringly, and acted like a baby to him in a childish voice.

"Little girl, what are you studying? Why don't you learn to dance and sing when you have that time!"

Zhou Zixu reached out and hooked the tip of his daughter's nose. He hoped that her daughter would look like a girl and not be like a tomboy since she was a child. That's not good.

A daughter needs to be pampered. If it is a son, he has to train him from the age of three.

"What's wrong with my daughter? I think girls should be trained! It's amazing, no one dares to bully her."

Lu Sihui and Zhou Zixu have different ideas. She is strong herself, and she also hopes that her daughter will be strong, so that she will not be weak and bullied without protection.

"No, I want my daughter to be a lady of everyone. With Dongsheng to protect her, and the baby in your belly, if it's a boy, I can also protect my sister."

It was the first time Zhou Zixu sang against his daughter-in-law, mainly because he felt sorry for his daughter and didn't want her to make her arms and legs hard.


Lu Sihui pursed her lips and looked at him. She knew there was a boy in her belly, but Zixu didn't know, should she tell him?It seems that he likes his son very much?

(End of this chapter)

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