Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1384 Lied to him for the first time

Chapter 1384 Lied to him for the first time

"Go to sleep!"

Zhou Zixu suppressed the passion in his heart, Sihui vomited so badly today, he felt distressed, tried to restrain himself, put his arms around her, and kissed her lightly on the forehead.

Lu Sihui nestled in Zixu's arms, thinking about going to Changbai Mountain, if she told him, he would definitely not agree.

How should I say it?He would not even agree to go hunting in the mountains, let alone take the train to Changbai Mountain.

"Zixu, I want to go out for a walk."

She tentatively asked, raised her head, and looked at Zhou Zixu. Under the dimly lit mosquito net, she couldn't see his expression clearly, and felt a little uneasy.

"Where to go?"

Zhou Zixu frowned slightly, feeling that Sihui seemed to be hiding something from him.

"Forget it, let's go to bed! I don't feel well, and I want to ask you for two days off. I will rest at home for two days."

Lu Sihui finally changed the subject, saying that he would definitely not agree, and had other thoughts in his mind.

"Okay, I'll change the vacation for you. It just so happens that you're going to go out for training in the field these two days, and you can't go because of your physical condition."

Zhou Zixu put his arms around his daughter-in-law's shoulders, and gently rubbed her big hands against her tender, slippery shoulders, with a very gentle voice.

"Okay, how many days are you training in the field?"

Lu Sihui's eyes lit up when she heard that, as long as Zixu left, her family would not notice if she left for two days.

"The original plan was for a week."

Zhou Zixu answered in a hoarse voice, and Sihui's exhalation hit him fiercely, and the emotion he had finally suppressed~yu began to raise his head again.

It’s also good to leave for a few days, and vent all the strength in the body to the training, so that you won’t think about other things when you’re exhausted.

"Okay, a week."

In the darkness, Lu Sihui smiled.

This night, Zhou Zixu was tortured in his sleep, and Sihui didn't know what was wrong?Keeping her arms around his waist, she clings tightly to his body, her feminine curves cannot be hidden.

After Sihui became pregnant, the fierce part seemed to grow stronger, sticking to his body was like a timed gunpowder. In the middle of the night, his nose bleeds once. When he remembered, Sihui hugged him tightly, and he could only let the nosebleed flow to the pillow towel superior.

The next morning, he got up early and ran to the bathroom to take a cold shower.

After Lu Sihui woke up, she found that there was no one beside her pillow, and Zixu's pillow towel was all red, and she immediately understood how tortured Zixu was last night.

She stretched lazily, wanting to lie down on the couch, and rubbed her belly. This child seemed like a little lazy cat, and she always felt like she didn't get enough sleep.

Zhou Zixu took his unit to practice in the field the next day. Lu Sihui told Mr. Zhou that he wanted to live quietly in a bungalow for two days, where the air was better.

"Can it work? Didn't you say that you are not feeling well?"

Mr. Zhou looked at Lu Sihui worriedly. Lu Jianguo lived on campus and only came back on Saturday night, and had to go to school on Monday morning.

Today happened to be Monday, so Sihui was alone when she went back.

"Grandpa, there is a courtyard over the bungalow. I want to stay alone for a few days in silence. Dongsheng and Swift are making trouble here, and I'm upset."

Lu Sihui silently apologized to her daughter in her heart, what her mother said was not the truth.

"That's fine! I'll ask Xiao Su to help you clean up, and then I'll ask the driver to take you there with the necessary daily necessities."

Mr. Zhou had no doubts at all, this was the first time his daughter-in-law lied to him.

Lu Sihui was ecstatic in her heart. The package she brought over contained casual clothes. She went to Changbai Mountain and didn't want to wear a uniform.

Aunt Su accompanied her back home, and after cleaning up, she still told her: "Why don't I come to see you every day? I'm really worried about being alone."

(End of this chapter)

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