Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1385 Who do you want to deal with?

Chapter 1385 Who do you want to deal with?
"Aunt Su, I'm upset and don't want to see anyone. Just let me stay here for a few days. When I feel better, I'll go back. Don't worry! There are neighbors on the left and right. I can cook and have food and drink."

Lu Sihui was busy thinking of ways to stop Aunt Su's thoughts, if she came here every day, wouldn't she find out that she secretly went to Changbai Mountain?

"That's it!"

Aunt Su reluctantly agreed, and left with the driver.

As soon as the people here left, Lu Sihui began to act nervously. She changed into casual clothes, brought some money, and threw a few changed clothes into the space capsule.

There is a big temperature difference between morning and evening in Changbai Mountain, so she brought a coat.

As for food, she didn't need to bring extra at all. When she went to the mountains, she let the robot hunt and eat dried meat. She was completely self-sufficient.

When everything was ready, she locked the courtyard door inside, jumped over the wall and left the courtyard.

This is also to paralyze Aunt Su, lest she come over and see Mr. Tie Jiang guarding the door, causing suspicion.

I went directly to the train station and bought mahua, sesame seed cakes and a roast chicken in the city. You can’t go into the space capsule to get food on the train!
The ticket is after [-] o'clock in the evening, and I bought a sleeper ticket. I don't want to wrong myself and the child in my stomach.

While waiting for the train, she didn't leave the train station, she just sat on the bench and waited. At noon, she went to the restaurant and ordered a casual dish, just some rice.

After finally waiting until night, she got on the train and took a seat. She bought the lower berth.

Traveling while pregnant is a grievance to the child, and she doesn't want to climb up. The lower berth is one yuan more expensive than the upper berth. For the sake of the child, she is willing to spend it.

After finding the berth, I found a man lying on the upper part of my berth. He was wearing shoes, the soles of which were covered with dried mud. The big thorns were placed on the berth, and the berth was covered with mud.

This person has a barrel-like waist, a shiny forehead, a dark complexion, and baldness where the eyebrows should be. It seems that he was born without eyebrows. His eyes are not big, and when he looks at people, his eyes are fierce.

It's not very hot at night, but he is bare-chested, revealing a whole body of black flesh. The most conspicuous thing is the ferocious, angry-mouthed and criss-crossed feral hair, which looks dirty.

The man held a chicken leg in his hand, took a bite, picked up the wine bottle on the small table and took a sip of wine, looking very comfortable, humming a tune in his nose, feeling greasy on his hands, casually put his hands on the couch After a few clicks, the snow-white couch sheet suddenly turned black.

"Get up, this is my berth."

Lu Sihui was annoyed when she saw it, but she still suppressed her anger and drove away with a cold face.

"Your sleeper, you call it, does it agree?"

The big man squinted at Lu Sihui, and found that it was just a beautiful little girl. There was a contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth, and he had no intention of getting up at all.

"Here's my ticket."

Lu Sihui gave him a chance and showed him the sleeper ticket.

"Don't show this to me, I can't understand."

The man arrogantly didn't even look at it, and continued to drink and eat meat, pretending that Lu Sihui didn't exist.

"Comrade, the little girls are here, you give up the berth to others!"

On the bunk on the opposite side was an intellectual wearing glasses. He looked very thin, as if he would fall if the wind blows, but he was quite righteous, and he was not afraid of the arrogance shown by the big man, so he opened his mouth to teach him a lesson.

"Damn it, don't care about your business, just stay honest, don't say I'm going to clean you up."

The big man stared at him, sat up, and pointed at the man in the sleeper opposite with his hand holding the roasted chicken leg. The chicken leg was eaten by him, and there was not much meat left. .

"Who do you want to deal with?"

Lu Sihui narrowed her eyes and asked him with a sneer.

(End of this chapter)

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