Chapter 1386

"Get out, don't delay me from sleeping, you fucking don't think that I don't beat women, if I mess with me, I will still beat you."

The big man gave Lu Sihui a sideways look, the yellow-haired girl, throwing steel bars at him?
That small body is not enough for him to kick.

He saw that the little girl was alone, so there was nothing to be afraid of.

It's just that his eyes are a little colder, and he looks quite imposing, but does he care?
In order to frighten Lu Sihui and the intellectuals in the opposite shop, he deliberately acted fiercely, showing them the disgusting arm, and raised one arm to reveal the muscle mass.

Eyebrows raised a few times, this little girl is alone, and it happens that no one is drinking with him!Smiling grinningly, he touched her smooth chin.

"You look good, be good, I will love you."

Lu Sihui took a step back with frowned eyebrows, looked at the Yin smile in his eyes, narrowed her eyes dangerously, and decided to deal with this man who didn't know the heights of heaven and earth.

The big man's dark fat was too disgusting to grab with his hands, he glanced at the table, saw the half bottle of wine left by him, picked it up, and slammed it down on his forehead.

"Is your brain hard? You can break a bottle, why are you playing tricks on me?"

Lu Sihui smiled sarcastically, the wine bottle in her hand blossomed on his head, and now there was only one mouth of the bottle left in her hand, she threw it on the ground, clapped her hands, and looked at him coldly.

The big man never expected that Lu Sihui would hit his head without saying a word. Unprepared, he was hit by a wine bottle on the forehead, and the blood came down immediately.

"Oh, if you dare to hit me, I will destroy you."

The man stared wide-eyed, watching the blood flow down his forehead, and there was still unfinished wine, and the heart-wrenching pain of wine flowed into the wound, and the lust suddenly disappeared.

He was so angry that he threw away the chicken leg in his hand, stood up quickly, and came over like an old kite catching a chicken, and stretched out his big hand to catch Lu Sihui.

"Little girl, be careful."

There was a commotion here, and several shops nearby came to watch the commotion.Seeing the big man coming to arrest Lu Sihui like a ghost, he was so frightened that he shouted to her to be careful.

"Don't fight."

The intellectual wearing glasses obviously couldn't compete with the big man in strength, but he still bravely rushed forward, hugged the big man's waist, trying to push him away.

"Little girl, let's go."

The intellectual shouted at Lu Sihui, he knew his own strength, and he couldn't stop her for a while.

"I'll kill you."

The big man was stopped, raised his fist furiously, and slammed down on the back of the intellectual.

The people around gasped, their heads were covered in blood, and their ferocious appearance was scary enough. Looking at his fists, they looked like hammers, and when they hit the intellectuals, their bones would have been broken.

On the train, there was a homicide case. The timid passengers covered their eyes and dared not look again. Those with a sense of justice immediately ran to the policeman. If they couldn’t beat the man, they could always help to call the police.

Here, the fist of the big man smashed towards the back of the intellectual with the sound of the wind. Just when everyone was worried about the intellectual, the scene was completely unexpected.

That delicate and weak little girl doesn't know how to do it?She punched the big man on the jaw, smashed the intellectual's fist, and pinched his wrist by her.

"Oh, it hurts to death."

The big man who was arrogant and arrogant just now was screaming and screaming, and he didn't dare to move his arm at all.

Then, under everyone's watchful eyes, the little girl grabbed his arm with both hands, lifted it up, and then took it off again. Looking at the big man again, he was kneeling on the ground screaming in pain.

"Let's go, what's going on?"

(End of this chapter)

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