Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1387 The little girl is self-defense

Chapter 1387 The little girl is self-defense
The train security officer pushed the passengers away and walked in. What he saw was a strong man with blood on his face sitting on the ground, with his right arm drooping and the other hand supporting him, with his mouth open and screaming repeatedly.

"Comrade, this man is playing a hooligan, and he wants to beat that comrade."

Lu Sihui stepped forward and pointed at the intellectual who had turned pale from fright, and reported to the train police. She didn't want to cause trouble, but she couldn't help it. If she was bullied, she wouldn't get used to it.

"Comrade, this woman hit me, I want to call the police."

The big man who was arrogant before, now pretending to be pitiful and riding the alarm well, he insisted on letting this woman see him.

It's too embarrassing, let a yellow-haired girl beat him up, and spread the word, does he still have the face to mess around?
"Comrade, this is my work permit. This man took the little girl's bed. After I persuaded him a few words, he clamped me down and tried to beat me to death. Everyone on the left, right, and the upper bunk can testify .”

The intellectuals took out their work permits, so frightened that they lost their minds, and calmed down when they saw the marshals.

"Yes, he bullied the little girl."

Seeing how powerful Lu Sihui is, the big guy didn't take any advantage, so he was dealt with honestly. Everyone felt very happy, so they were willing to testify to Lu Sihui.

Lu Sihui didn't have to take out her ID to show the train police, and stood aside to wait for processing.

"You beat him too hard, you need to fix his arm first."

The train security officer looked at Lu Sihui after looking at the IDs of the intellectuals. The little girl looked thin, but the domineering aura exuded from her body made them feel that this little girl was not an ordinary person.

Pointing at the screaming big man, she asked Lu Sihui to help him put his arm back on.

But Lu Sihui didn't want to touch his dirty flesh again, she shook her head and refused, "I can only take off my arms, not put them on."

This kind of person has to make him suffer more, otherwise he won't have a long memory.

"What are you doing? Show me your ID."

The train policeman frowned at Lu Sihui, wasn't he crazy?
It is not ordinary people who can have this skill, doubts arose in their hearts.

"Okay, but you can't watch it here."

Lu Sihui frowned, but still wanted to take it out, feeling very reluctant.

"Well, then come with us to the train security officer's room! Don't howl, you are a big man, you can't bear even a little pain, and you dare to come out and cause trouble?"

The train guard kicked the big man who was screaming on the ground, his head was covered with blood, and if he screamed like this again, it would scare the children.

Lu Sihui gave the big man a sideways look, thinking he found it, if the police didn't come, she would beat him until his parents couldn't recognize him.

"Comrade, it's none of the girl's business."

Intellectuals also want to speak for Lu Sihui, fearing that she will be sentenced.

After all, the big man's bloody head is scary to look at, and the police will not ignore Lu Sihui.

"Brother, thank you today."

Lu Sihui smiled lightly at him, signaling him not to worry, and then followed the policemen towards the train security officer's room.

The passengers all looked at her worriedly, and someone was speaking for her; "The little girl is acting in self-defense, Comrade police officers, you can't arrest her."

Lu Sihui smiled at the passengers who spoke for her, and there were always many good people.

"You follow along."

The train safety officer went over to pick up the big man. The man was too heavy, so he couldn't pull it up at once, so he kicked him to make him stand up by himself.

When passing by the water room, Lu Sihui called to stop the policeman; "I'm going to wash my hands. I just caught dung beetles and my hands stink."

The big man followed behind crying and crying. After hearing Lu Sihui's words, his nose was crooked in anger. Damn girl, did you compare him to a dung beetle?

(End of this chapter)

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