Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1389 Seems a bit too attentive

Chapter 1389 Seems a bit too attentive
"Losing money? No."

Lu Sihui shrugged, she was a scumbag, she would dirty her hands by beating him, and pay him money, unless he didn't want to live anymore.

I took off my shoes, sat cross-legged on the lower bunk, and felt a little tired after a fight. This may be the reaction of a pregnant woman!

The last pregnancy was just cramps, but this time I always feel tired.

"Girl, where are you going?"

Seeing that she had stopped talking, the intellectuals asked in a low voice.

Lu Sihui raised her eyes to look at him, she was very wary, she looked at him carefully, her eyes were clear, she didn't dodge in a panic when she stared at him sharply, she just felt a little curious.

He groaned for a while, did not answer directly, but asked with a smile: "Brother, where are you going?"

"I'm going back to my hometown. Grandpa's [-]th birthday." The intellectual pushed his glasses and sat up straight before answering. It could be seen that he attached great importance to grandpa's birthday.

Lu Sihui listened and took another look at him. From his appearance, he was probably in his 30s, and his grandfather was only 70 years old?After careful calculation, people used to get married early, but it was about the same, so I didn't ask more.

"Congratulations to the old man on his birthday."

Lu Sihui slightly hooked her lips, said an auspicious word, turned over and lay down, pulled the thin quilt over her abdomen.

The intellectual wanted to ask more questions, but when he saw her lying down and said nothing, he knew that the girl didn't want to say more, so he sat back on his couch.

"Girl, what happened to the fat man?"

After sitting for a while, it felt uncomfortable not to ask him clearly, so I couldn't help asking again.

"I didn't ask, it's probably a detention! A disturbance in a public place."

Lu Sihui replied with her eyes closed, turned over and lay on her back, with her back facing the intellectuals.


Seeing that the girl really didn't want to talk much, the intellectual had to lie back on his couch, close his eyes and rest.

Lu Sihui picked up the wine bottle and smashed it down on the big man's head with a ruthless expression in her head. At that moment, she looked terrible and made people dare not approach her.

Lu Sihui fell asleep shortly after laying down, and slept for three hours before she was woken up by the noise in the carriage.

He opened his eyes and looked out of the window, it was pitch black, it looked like a cloudy sky, the moon was covered, and the stars were even hidden without a trace.

I sat up, stretched my waist, slept, and felt much better.

I glanced at the carriage, the lights were on, and there were passengers packing their luggage, it seemed that they were about to arrive at the station.

She was not in a hurry, she waited until dawn when she arrived in City J.

Her stomach began to rumble. She felt hungry, so she sat up, took a bag from the bed, and took out the roast chicken and twisted doughnuts from it.

The water glass was also taken out, and she would feel choked if she only ate fried dough twist, so she wanted to fetch a cup of hot water.

"Are you awake? Are you hungry?"

The intellectual on the opposite side saw that she was awake, and hurriedly struck up a conversation with a smile.

Lu Sihui glanced at him sideways, as if she was a little too attentive?

But he once acted righteously, and he couldn't help but answer when talking to her, so he hummed lightly: "Yes."

Carrying a water glass and walking towards the water room, the intellectual felt her alienation, and sat on the couch in a daze.

Sighing in my heart, don't bother the little girl anymore!Seeing that he is on guard, don't treat him as a bad person, right?

Lu Sihui returned after fetching a cup of hot water, and saw that the intellectual had already reclined, but she ignored it.

He picked up the twist, pulled a chicken thigh, and ate it deliciously.

After taking two bites, she heard a stomach growl, raised the corners of her mouth, and looked at the intellectuals on the opposite couch.

"Brother, let's eat together if you don't dislike it! I can't eat it myself."

Pulled a big leg, and handed him another twist, this can be regarded as repaying his generosity!

(End of this chapter)

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