Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1390 Is This Girl Your Object?

Chapter 1390 Is This Girl Your Object?

"I still don't want it, thank you."

The intellectual swallowed, sat up blushing and refused.

He forgot to buy food when he got on the train. The things on the train were too expensive, and he was reluctant to buy them. He was hungry all the way, and the feeling of being hungry was too uncomfortable.

When I smelled the aroma of roasted chicken again, my stomach growled embarrassingly.

"Brother, if you don't eat until the stop, you will throw it away. Just take it for you. Why are men so ink-stained!"

Lu Sihui stuffed something into his hand, then ignored him, sat back and continued to eat.

This actually relieved the pressure on the intellectuals, swallowed their saliva, and took everything by themselves, so let's eat!
After eating and drinking enough, Lu Sihui pushed the remaining chicks in front of him.

"Brother, Fulgen, you're welcome, there's still a twist, eat it all! I can't get it out of the car."

After finishing speaking, she got up and washed her hands. Facing the remaining half roast chicken and a twist, the intellectual was a little embarrassed.

But in the end I ate it all, it was really delicious.

At ten o'clock in the morning, the train arrived in City J, and Lu Sihui and the intellectuals were packing up.

"You also went to City J?"

Seeing Lu Sihui packing up her things, the intellectual was obviously very happy.

"Yes, I'm going to Changbai Mountain."

Lu Sihui smiled. After sharing a roast chicken yesterday, she felt that this man was very simple and honest, and she had a good impression of him.

"That's great. I'm also going back to Changbai Mountain. Whose family are you from? I've been back so many times, why haven't I seen you?"

He asked Lu Sihui with a smile on his face, the little girl was clean and fresh, and so pretty, if he saw it, he would never forget it.

"I'm going for a stroll."

Lu Sihui smiled, worrying that she couldn't find a place!I originally thought that I would take the bus as soon as I got off the bus, so that I would not be able to find it.

I didn't expect to meet a fellow traveler, but I saved my heart.

"Go to Changbai Mountain to play? What's so interesting in the deep mountains and old forests?"

Intellectuals finally came out of the mountains, so he didn't think there was anything good here.

There are endless mountains when you go out, and it feels very depressing.


Lu Sihui smiled, this time, she did not reject people thousands of miles away.

"Expedition? Little girl, I advise you not to do it. There are many beasts and poisonous snakes in the mountains, which is very dangerous."

"It's okay, don't be afraid."

Lu Sihui smiled calmly, no matter how many beasts and poisonous snakes there were, she would not be afraid.

There are no zombies to be afraid of, right?

"I'll take you there! My family members came to pick me up at the station and drag you along. No money is required."

The intellectual laughed, thinking that the little girl was talking big, probably to guard against him, and was unwilling to tell the truth.

Taking her with him kindly is his repayment for her half-roasted chicken 1
Just like that, after getting off the car, Lu Sihui followed the elder brother intellectual and sat in the carriage that came to pick him up, bumping all the way to the foot of Changbai Mountain.

Looking at the endless mountains, Lu Sihui really wanted to ask the robot where the meteorite was.

Find it quickly, hurry back and go back without arousing anyone's suspicion.

He entered Dashan in a carriage and listened to the family members of intellectuals chatting with him all the way.

Only after hearing this did I know that the intellectual's daughter-in-law died and left him no children.

However, as soon as she heard it, she didn't care about things that had nothing to do with her.

Looking up at the mountains high into the clouds, a piece of verdant green, the mountains are connected, where will the meteorite be?

Suddenly, I heard the carriage driver who was driving the carriage asking in a low voice.

"Xiangzi! Is this girl your girlfriend? She looks really handsome."

(End of this chapter)

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