Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1392 He also has a wife

Chapter 1392 He also has a wife

"No, absolutely not. I just went to see her and had a few words with her. It's not right. I'm helping her get familiar with the rules of falconry as soon as possible. Deputy Minister, I'm loyal to history, all for falconry Think about it!"

As Zhang Changshui talked, he felt that he was very great, and he expressed his love to Zhou Zixu with eloquence.

"Get out, enter Wang's political commissar's unit, and move forward immediately."

Zhou Zixu strode over and finally kicked Zhang Changshui's ass. Satisfied, he put his hands behind his back, raised the corners of his mouth, and walked towards the command tent with enviably long legs.

"I thought I could be lazy, really."

Zhang Changshui looked at his back with a bitter face, acted coquettishly and followed the deputy minister, the result?Now he has to hurry to catch up with Commissar Wang.

Howling up to the sky, what kind of leader is he standing on?

Zhao Jinchen was married for three days, so he stayed at home these days. Because of his marriage, the money that the family originally wanted to return to Zixu was taken up.

Therefore, in the past three days, he went to the mountains almost every day to catch some wild animals, mainly to catch another wild boar and sell it in the city for money.

Number One followed behind him, peeking at his broad arms, pursed his lips, lowered his head and smiled quietly.

Thinking of their wedding night, it was really sweet enough.

After washing, she went into the bridal chamber, anxiously waiting for her groom, but he didn't come back for a long time.

She was very sad at the time, thinking that Jin Chen was perfunctory to herself and didn't have her in his heart at all, so she didn't want to touch her even after marrying her?

At this time, Zhao Jinchen was smoking in the yard. He was a little nervous and confused. Married?Does he have a wife?
Up to now, he is still not sure what kind of feelings he has for No. [-], sympathy, or camaraderie?Still have a little love between men and women?
Looking up at the night sky, with the bright moon in the sky, he suddenly thought that during that mission, he and No. [-] ran to the same tree in order to avoid the black bear. little reaction.

The reaction of a pure man proves that he admits in his heart that No. 1 is a woman, so isn't he not interested in her at all?

When a cigarette was burned out, he pinched out the dark red cigarette butt, raised his hand to pop it out, and found that Zixu's action was quite interesting to do. He would keep staring at the cigarette butt to see where it flew to?

"Jin Chen, wash up and go to sleep! On the wedding night, you can't leave the bride alone in the room."

Zhao Yaozu walked out of the house with his clothes on, patted his son's shoulder with his big hand, and persuaded him earnestly.

"Wen Qian is a good girl. It's very pitiful to have a brother and sister-in-law like that at the stall. Now you are her reliance and everything she owns, so you have to treat her better."

Zhao Yaozu looked into his son's eyes and said, under the deep moonlight, he felt that his son seemed to be preoccupied. He didn't want him to have other thoughts in his mind, so he persuaded him earnestly.

"I see, Dad, you have been tired all day, so go back and rest quickly!"

Zhao Jinchen was thoughtful after hearing this, and his heart was touched. Indeed, apart from him, No. [-] had no relatives to rely on.

"Okay, I'm not tired at all. Thanks to Zixu and Sihui, you have to remember their kindness to the Zhao family. Let's save money and pay back the money we owe."

Zhao Yaozu looked at his son solemnly, and he only showed a little kindness to Sihui. When Jinchen was poisoned by the snake, Sihui had already returned it. It stands to reason that people can ignore them.

But the embarrassment is that the couple gave each other help in a timely manner, which moved him so much that he will never forget it for the rest of his life.

"go to sleep!"

After pushing his son, there is a bride waiting for his son in the new house!

(End of this chapter)

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