Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1393 Wedding Night

Chapter 1393 Wedding Night

Looking at the back of his father returning to the room, Zhao Jinchen realized that he was really old. After his sister died, his father aged at a speed visible to the naked eye. Today is his rare smile after his sister died.

Looking at the new house, the light shines through the thin curtains, red curtains, red light.
Take a deep breath, fetch a basin of cold water, wash your face, and brush your teeth. He is the groom tonight, and he wants to meet the bride cleanly.

Number one waited anxiously in the new house, as time passed bit by bit, her eyes showed sadness, could it be that he won't come back tonight?
Let her stay alone in the empty room on the wedding night?I was suddenly very sad in my heart, and I clenched my fists hard, shouldn't I get married?

Why did she soften her heart, why did she still have fantasies about him?

Standing up abruptly, sniffing, swallowing the bitterness.

She started to pack her bags, since she doesn't love her, why should she force her?

When she had just packed her clothes, the door of the new house opened, and the old-fashioned hinges made a sound of being overwhelmed. Zhao Jinchen walked into the new house with steady steps.

There was a mixture of soap and smoke on his body, No. [-] stared at him blankly, with deep cold eyes, staring at himself under the light.

"What do you want to do?"

Zhao Jinchen's deep eyes fell on the package she had already packed, and his thick eyebrows frowned suddenly, did he want to leave?
He closed the door casually and directly plugged it in. Since he had made up his mind to spend the rest of his life with her, naturally he couldn't let the bride leave on the wedding night.

"I'll tidy up,"

No. [-]'s eyes dodged.Lied to him.

The groom is back, she won't be stupid enough to say that she wants to go back to work, then her crush has been in love for so long, isn't it Yilian Youmeng?
"I'll clean it up later."

Zhao Jinchen's eyes flashed darkly, and he didn't expose her, his thin lips slightly raised, and he went to help her put the burden back into the kang cabinet.

No. [-] looked at him tangled up and didn't stop his movements, feeling inexplicably nervous.

"Do you want to go to the bathroom?"

Zhao Jinchen looked back and saw that her tense face had turned pale. Thinking of her calmness before, she was never afraid even when a bullet passed by her ear. Did he scare her that much?

She smiled and asked, it seems that she hasn't been to the bathroom since the wedding!
People with special training can hold back their urine, which is the result of strong willpower control.

"I want to go,"

Number one was very nervous and really wanted to go to the toilet.

"Let's go, I'll go with you, or you won't find it."

Seeing her like this, Zhao Jinchen's thin lips raised a little deeper, opened the door happily, and looked back at her.

"Uh, just tell me the location."

The face of No. [-] was immediately covered with red clouds, and went to the bathroom with him?think about that picture
She is still a big girl with yellow flowers, why are you so embarrassed?
"I'll wait for you outside."

Zhao Jinchen chuckled, knowing what she was worrying about, looking at the blushing No. 1 under the light, there was a pool of ripples in his heart.


Hearing Zhao Jinchen's laughter, No. [-] raised his head in astonishment. From the time he knew him to now, he had never seen him smile, and he was always serious.

Following behind him, No. [-] was still worried. The toilets in the countryside were different from those in the work unit. They could only cover most of his body, and outsiders could see the movement of unbuttoning his pants.

That's why she held back for a day because she was afraid of embarrassment.

I wonder if Jin Chen will turn his back on him?She was still a little embarrassed.

She has never been troubled by this matter after training in Guashan Tunnei Mountain for so long.

"It's here, it's over there, you go! I'll illuminate it for you."

(End of this chapter)

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