Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1394 Keeping the Clouds and Seeing the Moonlight

Chapter 1394 Keeping the Clouds and Seeing the Moonlight

When turning to the backyard, Zhao Jinchen shined the flashlight towards the toilet, looked back at No. [-] and said.

No. [-]'s face turned even redder. Is he planning to keep taking photos?
"Give me the light! You go back."

Number One stretched out her hand towards him. The toilet was only one meter high, and she really couldn't take off her pants under his nose.

"No, I'll take care of it for you, otherwise it will be very troublesome."

Zhao Jinchen looked at her stubbornly, and when he saw No. 1's shy look, his eyes narrowed.

Suddenly knowing what she was struggling with, it was amused in her heart. After a while, they will share the same bed. Is she really ready?

No. [-] blushed even more when he saw him, and even wanted to turn around and run away. Should he be so direct?
But at this moment, she seemed to be unable to hold back her urge to urinate, so she hurried to the toilet with her head down, without thinking about coddling it.

When she really went into the toilet, she realized why Jin Chen had to help her light up.

A simple toilet, with a hole dug in the ground, only two thin wooden boards, it is easy to fall into it if you are not careful.

She stepped on the wooden board cautiously, lowered her head, and when Jin Chen was not there, she unbuttoned her belt.

Gentleman Zhao Jinchen turned his back and blushed in embarrassment.

Number one quickly solved the metabolism, squatted down and lifted his pants, tied them up and walked out of the toilet.

From the beginning to the end, she didn't dare to look up.

"I fetched water for you, wash your face!"

Zhao Jinchen called her to stop, held her hand with his big hand, and let out a deep voice from his thin lips.

"it is good."

Number one blushed even more, looked down at the hands they held together, and suddenly felt a sweetness in her heart, she had come to the end of all hardships, guarding until the clouds opened to see the moonlight, Jin Chen, do you really have her in your heart?

The water to wash his face was very cold. Zhao Jinchen himself was a tough guy, and he was also incomprehensible to women, especially No. 1. When the two of them were training in Tunnei Mountain, it was much more difficult than this.

Therefore, he didn't prepare hot water for her at all. In this regard, Zhou Zixu did a hundred times better than him. Whenever he poured water for Sihui, he would add some hot water.

No. [-] took the cold well water and splashed it on his face. After a day of ignorance, he finally woke up now.

She is really married to Jin Chen

Just when she straightened up, a clean towel was handed over, and No. [-] looked at Zhao Jinchen gratefully, feeling warm in her heart.

"Thank you."

She thanked her in a low voice, Zhao Jinchen turned around in embarrassment, and strode into the room.

After brushing her teeth and feet on the [-]st, looking at the lights of the new house, she began to feel uneasy.

Next, what will happen?Can Jin Chen touch her?

He poured the water from the washbasin on the ground, walked back with the basin in hand, and found that the lights in the parents-in-law's room had already been turned off.

His face turned even redder, the father-in-law and mother-in-law are giving them a space to be alone.

Lock the door, put the washbasin on the washbasin stand, and walk towards the new house.

Her heart was beating uncontrollably, and she secretly scolded herself for being worthless.

You are not afraid when performing tasks, so what are you afraid of now?

Zhao Jinchen in the room took off his police uniform and only wore a red hurdle vest. The small vest couldn't stop his bulging muscles, especially the fierce muscles, which were extraordinarily strong.

With a faint luster under the light, she took off her shoes and got on the kang, and spread the quilt and mattress on the kang before returning on the [-]st.

He hesitated a little while making the spread, but in the end the two quilts were laid next to each other, looking at the bright red and green brocade quilt, which Sihui had prepared for them, the Adam's apple rolled a bit, don't think about the past, just Think about the present and the future.

The door rang, but he didn't look back, but said softly: "Put the door in."

(End of this chapter)

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