Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1395 The first sight in the morning

Chapter 1395

No. [-] stood stiffly at the door, bar the door?What are you doing?The nervous hands were cold, but my heart was full of anticipation, so I turned around and obediently closed the door.

She looked away stiffly, trying to control her nervousness, the red happy characters in the room were so conspicuous under the light, and the wedding photos of the two were hung on the wall, why did she smile so happily?
She didn't want to turn around, but was pulled by Zhao Jinchen to turn around, and she saw Zhao Jinchen's strong muscles at a glance, why didn't she notice before, his muscles are so developed?
I really want to hit it in the past.

No. [-] swallowed his saliva, feeling that he was a little abnormal, so he quickly looked away.

With a blushing face, she walked over, her clothes not on, but her shoes on the kang.

I have never slept on a kang before, and it feels very bad to the touch. I don't know if it will make me panic?

Pulled over the mattress, laid layer after layer, got busy, and the nervous mood seemed to be relieved for a moment.

Zhao Jinchen looked at the busy man quietly, and smelled a good smell of soap mixed with this sweet fragrance, and the sweat pores all over his body seemed to open suddenly.

He took two deep breaths in a row to let himself feel relaxed. No. 1 over there had finished laying the bedding, and was sitting shyly on the edge of the kang, a ball of fire flashed in his cold eyes.

He raised his hand and pulled out the light cord, and the new house, which was bright just now, suddenly fell into darkness.

People's vision is blocked, and their hearing is extremely sensitive. Both of them can hear the other's breathing getting heavier.

Zhao Jinchen stretched out his big hand tentatively, and finally put it on No. [-] shoulder bravely.

"Rest early, it's been a long day."

His voice was completely different from usual, he blushed a little because he was dumb, and coughed twice, trying to make himself the same as usual, but he couldn't control his beating heart no matter what.

No. 1 was more serious than him, he could barely breathe, and he could smell his breath when he gasped, as well as a faint smell of tobacco.

Suddenly Zhao Jinchen held her hand with his big hand, and said stiffly, "We are married, I feel very happy."

No. 1 was nervous all over, looked up at him shyly, wondering what he was going to do next?
The moonlight was bright, and crickets were chirping outside the window. Zhao Jinchen seemed to have been walking alone in the desert for a long time, thirsty for a long time, suddenly found a source of water, and drank enough.

The morning sun penetrated into the new house through the thin red curtains embroidered with mandarin ducks.

The two sleeping people were awakened by a slight sound from the kitchen.

Opening her eyes on the [-]st, she met Zhao Jinchen's fiery eyes, remembering what happened last night, her face immediately turned red into a sunset glow.

After pulling the quilt and sitting up, looking for clothes to put on, she was very tired and really wanted to sleep a little longer, but her mother-in-law had already woken up, so how can a new daughter-in-law be so dependent?It seems that in the countryside, I have to get up and help my mother-in-law make breakfast.

"Get some sleep."

Although Zhao Jinchen was a little excited, he felt a little distressed when he thought of how tired No. [-] passed out last night. He wanted No. [-] to sleep more, so he got up and helped his mother cook.

After explaining in a hoarse voice, Zhao Jinchen opened the quilt and was about to put on his clothes. When he saw his back on the first day, he felt a little embarrassed and wanted to apologize to him.

Zhao Jinchen felt her gaze, looked back at her, turned his face back stiffly, how could Wen Qian get out like this?

If my parents really saw it, don't say she was embarrassed, he would be embarrassed too.


There was a knock on the door of the new house, and Yi Gulu sat up on the first day, getting dressed in a hurry.

(End of this chapter)

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