Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1396 Be careful next time

Chapter 1396 Be careful next time

Zhao Jinchen was no less flustered than she was, he hurriedly pulled his clothes on and put them on, and he could get off the ground after putting on the vest, but when he turned around and saw No. [-], he stopped his movements and asked in a low voice towards the door.


"Little ancestor, why didn't you see you running to knock on your uncle's door?"

When the voice of mother. 1 sounded, the corners of Zhao Jinchen's mouth curled up. It was his lovely niece.

"I want to see my aunt."

With the little girl's soft voice, No. [-]'s gaze also became gentle.

That poor child has finally regained the innocence of a normal child.

"Wait a minute, auntie is sleeping! Let's go out and play first, shall we?"

Zhou Guifang hurriedly took Zhao Yuying's daughter away, and went to disturb her son early in the morning, wondering if they woke them up?
"I'll get up and help cook!"

No. [-] got dressed quickly, and then dared to look at Zhao Jinchen. Seeing him staring at her neck, she quickly covered her neck, remembering his madness last night, this must be the hardest hit area.

Busily put on shoes and went to the ground, took a look in the mirror, his complexion suddenly collapsed, how could he meet people when he went out like this?
"Uh, sorry, last night I"

Zhao Jinchen saw No. [-] staring at him, with accusation hidden in his eyes, a flash of apology flashed in his deep eyes, he scratched his head, he must pay attention next time.

On the [-]st, when he heard what he said halfway, he knew what he wanted to say in his heart, and gave him an annoyed look.

Now is not the time to complain about him, but to find a way to get rid of the red marks.

"Otherwise, don't go out today."

Zhao Jinchen thought of something for her over there, and then gave him an annoyed look.

"What if I don't go out? Even if I don't go out, won't Mom doubt it? Come in and have a look, what do you want me to say?"

She rubbed her neck vigorously, trying to rub off the red mark, but it got worse.

"What should I do?"

She looked around for something, but it was a pity that in the summer, if she really went out wearing a scarf, it would also arouse suspicion from others.

It's kind of like the meaning of no silver here.

"You fasten the discipline buckle, it will be better."

Zhao Jinchen put on his police uniform and shoes and went to the ground to help his wife cover up the evidence.

It's a pity that you can still see a little bit, so there is no way.

"Put on some cream?"

Zhao Jinchen picked up the Great Friendship Cream and handed it to No. [-], who gave him another glare.

"It can't be stopped, forget it, just watch it if you like it!"

No. [-] is free and easy, even if there are no traces, the in-laws still know what they did last night?

"I'm going to help my parents cook."

She was generous, but Zhao Jinchen was still thinking about finding something to cover it up. After all, it was too obvious, so he was embarrassed to go out.

When I left the house on the [-]st, I found that the kitchen was full of hot air, and I felt relieved. Under such circumstances, who can see the scars on her neck?
It's a pity that she was happy too early, the meal was ready, the heat dissipated, and her sight was naturally clear.

First Zhou Guifang saw it, she lowered her head in embarrassment, Yaozu accidentally saw it too, the old man walked out of the house in embarrassment, squatted in the yard smoking a pipe, and ate outside.

The most terrible thing is that the little niece saw it. The child is not sensible. She came to hug the aunt and stared at her neck with big eyes.

Number One suddenly became nervous, and hurried into the new house with the child in his arms.

"Aunt, who bit your neck badly."

As soon as he entered the room, the child raised his neck and asked her distressedly.

Number one's face turned red, and he stared at the culprit standing aside, not knowing how to answer the child?

(End of this chapter)

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