Reborn 1980 Family with a Shrewd Wife

Chapter 1397 The Mosquito Is Him

Chapter 1397 The Mosquito Is Him

Zhao Jinchen was stared at several times when he got up in the morning, now he walked over awkwardly, picked up his niece, and thought about how to deceive the child.

"Uh, there was such a big mosquito last night, and it just stared at your aunt to bite, so it was bitten badly."

Stumbling and making up nonsense, this is definitely a test for Zhao Jinchen.

"Yes, it was a mosquito bite."

The child is young, so he can only be fooled like this. When No. [-] said it, he looked at Zhao Jinchen angrily, and the mosquito was him.

Breakfast was ready, Zhou Guifang shouted outside the door, the youngest son was in school and couldn't come back to attend the elder brother's wedding.How much is a pity.

Breakfast is yesterday's leftovers and steamed buns. They are all meat dishes, but they are also leftovers.

Fearing that her daughter-in-law might not be used to eating it, Zhou Guifang steamed a chicken cake for her again.
No. [-] frowned when walking, it was really painful.

As soon as she went out, she could smell the aroma of meat and vegetables, and her stomach also sang empty city tricks.

Yesterday, because of the quarrel between her elder brother and sister-in-law, she didn't eat much, and Zhao Jinchen dragged her to practice in the evening, she was exhausted and paralyzed, and when she woke up in the morning, she was very hungry.

"Mom, I'm so sorry, I got up late."

No. [-] was apologetic and talking to her mother-in-law, the dishes and chopsticks were all set on the dinner table, would her mother-in-law think that she was being lazy on purpose?
"It's okay, young people feel great."

Zhou Guifang said with a smile, seeing her daughter-in-law walking, she was overjoyed. Last night, she was worried that Jin Chen would not enter the bridal chamber!Now I can be relieved.

"The egg custard is for you."

Zhou Guifang pushed a bowl of yellow egg custard in front of No. [-], coaxing her to eat it with a smile.

His eyes naturally fell on her neck, and he looked away with a smile. Is the son a little too anxious?

But he can't be blamed, it's crazy to only marry a wife when he is almost 30 years old.

I forgot to tell him last night, it's the first time a woman should be gentle.

After breakfast, No. [-] scrambled to clean up the bowls and washed them in the hot water of the cauldron.

When I was in my natal family, I did a lot of these tasks, and I did the dishes by myself at work, but there were not so many.

"Auntie, can you play with me?"

Zhao Yuying's niece regards No. [-] as her own mother, and hangs around her after dinner.

"Okay, auntie will teach the baby how to learn."

With rare tenderness, No. [-] squatted on the ground and kissed the child.

After these days of recuperation, the child has become much fatter and has blood on his face. He is a pretty little girl.

For the next two days, at night, Zhao Jinchen couldn't wait to get into bed, as if he had been hungry for a long time, and he couldn't eat enough.

"Wen Qian, listen, it seems that there are many people in Neishan?"

Zhao Jinchen's voice interrupted No. [-]'s memory. The two of them have been hunting in the inner mountains for the past two days. The main reason is that there are many animals here, and the harvest is naturally not bad.

It's just that up to now, I haven't caught a wild boar, but I have shot an elk, but it's useless to sell it in the city, and it's sold out in the village.

No. [-] listened to Jin Chen's words, listened for a while, nodded, and made a signal to Zhao Jinchen.

"Let's go and see, it doesn't matter if it's a villager, as long as it's not a bad person."

Zhao Jinchen saw that No. [-] was walking slowly, so he took her hand and strode towards the inner mountain.

"Slow down, it still hurts!"

Number One glared at him dissatisfied, and demanded extravagantly at night, which made her never take care of herself well.

"Uh, sorry, I'll hold back tonight."

Zhao Jinchen blushed, Shen Sheng made a promise that it was time to rest for a day.

"Let's go up the tree and stand high and look far away. They are really bad guys. I will do meritorious service if I catch them!"

(End of this chapter)

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